Jesuit and Catholic Church - Clerical and Institutional Abuse Forum (Australia)

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Jesuits Deed of Release

UPDATE October 2020.
A Deed of Release has been successfully challenged in the Vic. Supreme Court because of the amendmant to the Limitation of Actions Act 1958.
Also a recent reported settlement with the Society of Jesus did not include any confidentialty clause.
Has there been a change in what they demand?

How it was - The Duct Tape Deal - Take this and shutup! - current full details of deeds are unknown (October 2020)
Edit June 02, 2019.
A recent bit of information suggests that the confidentiality only applies to the settlement itself,
i.e. the amount and the process of doing it, I can only guess.
It might not prevent the survivor talking about the offence itself.
It is not clear right now what "full release and confidentiality" actually means.

If you get a compensation offer from the Society of Jesus you have to sign a Deed of Release "full release and confidentiality" to get the money.

They will not admit any liability - and offer you this deal, out of the goodness of their hearts, and to avoid further delay and show compassion for your suffering.
(disgraceful and disgusting and an abuse of power, brought to you with the help of Tony Hargreaves & Partners Lawyers)
From recent reports it seems they are aligning their offers with Redress Scheme amounts.
You might be offered about 10% of what you are claiming, which, after you pay your lawyer, leaves enough for a second-hand Toyota.

A stable relationship and stable work history will be used against a complainant, supposedly showing the effects of abuse were minimal or none.
But if you have bad or no relationships and a bad work history its not because of being abused, its something else causing it, your own character flaws.

The complainant becomes stuck. Will/can he and his lawyer consider civil litigation? Keep negotiating for a few more dollars? Go to the Redress Scheme? Which they suggest as an alternative. So, Take this and shutup!

Victoria June 14, 2019. Deeds of Release able to be challenged in court.
The Andrews Government says it will amend the Limitation of Actions Act 1958 (Vic) to give discretion to a court to set aside a past deed of release or court judgement relating to child abuse.