Jesuit and Catholic Church - Clerical and Institutional Abuse Forum (Australia)

WARNING: Child Sex Abuse Content.

Commentary           Satire here...
When you make a compensation claim you become the enemy
The Society of Jesus will use any and all legal tactics to defeat you.

Two very similar organisations where the desire for money over-rides any moral or ethical concerns about where the money comes from.

You would imagine all those well known and successful golfers would not be short of a few sheckles.
But easy money is too hard to resist, it doesn't matter where the money comes from.
Up to $300 million to sign on and a hefty guaranteed cheque when they play.

The good catholic President Jo Biden meets MBS, July 2022.
“Khashoggi was in fact murdered and dismembered. And I believe at the order of the crown prince.
There’s very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia.
We are going to make them, in fact, pay the price, and make them, in fact, the pariah that they are."

President Jo Biden , 2020
errrr... ummmm... let's revise that.
WE are going to pay the price they want for their oil.

You would imagine The Three Wise Men would not accept money from a sex abuser's trust.
But they do, and feel no moral duty to explain why its okay.

I would imagine that in the religion or ethics class at Xavier College they would teach that taking money from a man who has people killed is not right.
Eldon didn't kill anyone so it must be okay.

The Flip Flop
In electronics, a flip-flop or latch is a circuit that has two stable states and can be used to store state information.
The circuit can be made to change state by signals applied to one or more control inputs and will have one or two outputs.
As long as the money input is low, changes at the D (ethical flexibility) input make no difference to the outputs
If CK (the money) is high and D (ethical flexibility) is high then out Q is high.
In digital electronics circuits work on 5V DC.
Voltages below 2.5V (approx) become a 0, above that they become 5V (a 1).
Its either 1 or 0, true or false.

The Rich Young Man
(Mark 10:17–31; Luke 18:18–30)

All these I have kept,” said the young man. “What do I still lack?”
Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.
Then come, follow Me.”
When the young man heard this, he went away in sorrow, because he had great wealth.
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

The Society of Jesus has billions of dollars of real estate worldwide.
Schools and many valuable properties in Australia.
Over 50 charities in Australia receiving taxpayer money.
Over 30 universities in the USA.
The Jesuit priests take a vow of poverty.
All is owned by companies and trusts.

The Society of Jesus loves money.
They fight so hard to not give it to the men whose lives they have destroyed.
They are not men of god nor followers of Jesus.
They are weak men inhabiting the delusion of clericalism.

sacred_heart_of_jesus sacred_heart_of_jesus_torn2

"deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome someday".

Why is it that since time began the heart is the centre and the source of love?
St. Theresa's heart was pierced by a fiery dart.
Almost a violent opening of the centre of her being.
Because the self-being has to be destroyed.
The self is the wall of Troy preventing entry.

The attachment to self is the strongest force in the human being.
For the walls to breached it has to be done by force.
Is your love personal or universal?

Your personal love is a drop in the ocean of eternity.
Its true and real but comfortable, because you continue to exist and you take pleasure in your love.

When there is still you , you cannot be "made perfect in love" as John (the bible guy) said.

If you are "made perfect in love" you is erased, destroyed, eliminated, gone.

How big is the universe and what does it contain?.

Thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations - that is us.
A roller coaster that never ends.

Nothing might be nothing and might be everything.

What's the problem

Why is the heirarchy of the catholic church morally corrupt?
Geunuine moral and ethical behaviour comes from the person because they are a good person.
Institutions like the catholic church know that not all their members will be good persons, so they create rules and laws for them to obey.

If there were a perfect institution with only good people, rules and laws would not be necessary.

In your development as a human being you are taught what is right and what is wrong.
If you grow to be a mature real person there comes a point where you understand within yourself what is right and what is wrong. You don't need the rules anymore.
This is a transtion from following rules to becoming a person who makes their own judgements because they know within themselves.

This is often leaned through the experience of harming others and harming oneself.
When you see the the suffering you cause you know it is wrong.

It can be hard to see when you are harming yourself.
That requires a high level of sensitivity to your own mind and body.
St. John of the Cross said "as soon as I desire something, my heart becomes heavy".
This the process of action -> result, a definition of Kamma (Karma) in effect.

Because there are so many morally and ethically corrupt priests in the catholic church, mainly in positions of power, as well as the criminals involved in sexual abuse, the question is how can this happen?

Priests go through years of training, Jesuits have seven years of "formation".
The hypothesis is that catholic spirituality does not work.
That good priests are good priests because they are good people not because they were transformed by their training.
If the training worked there would be no bad priests.

True "spirituality" is hard to achieve. In the writings of St. John of the Cross and St. Theresa of Avila you see a lot of struggle, despair, pain and suffering.
Years of effort, prayer, meditation and "dark nights of the soul".
Should catholic priests be expected to go this far?
I think so, because of the elevated postion they put themselves in being the intermediary between the faithful and god.
If they can't do it they should not be made into priests.

But the bar to becoming a catholic priest is set very low.
If a very high standard was set there would never have been enough priests to service the expansion of the church worldwide.
Compromise has to be made for the good of the church.

So many men are ordained who are not inherently good people.
Their moral and ethical positions are like a see-saw, varying according to the weight (demands) applied.
Or perhaps they started as fairly good people but the weight of the demands changed them over time.

A huge amount of weight is applied by the new priest's acceptance of catholic doctrine.
"we are the one true church for eternity", the magisterium i.e. the church's authority or office to give authentic interpretation of the Word of God.
This is where maintaining the authority and reputation of the church now becomes so demanding that the see-saw is really out of balance.
We now have a priest who reacts to the strength of the wind blowing on him.
It is no longer about what is right and good, its about management, compromise, duplicity, excuses etc.

Child sex abusing priests are victims of their own retarded psycho-sexual development. Its really not their fault.

USA Archbishop Chaput said:
"And priests have the privilege of holding the God of creation in their hands.
Without priests, there is no Eucharist. Without the Eucharist, there is no Church.
And without the Church as a living and organized community,
there is no presence of Jesus Christ in the world."

This delusional belief must be taught and defended at all costs.

Psychotherapist Richard Sipe, a former Benedictine monk and advocate for the victims of clerical sexual abuse, wrote to San Diego’s Bishop Robert McElroy in 2016, warning him about networks of protection and tolerance among sexually active clerics, especially those in positions of authority and influence.

“Sooner or later it will become broadly obvious that there is a systemic connection between the sexual activity by, among and between clerics in positions of authority and control, and the abuse of children,” Sipe wrote to McElroy.

“When men in authority — cardinals, bishops, rectors, abbots, confessors, professors — are having or have had an unacknowledged, secret, active sex life under the guise of celibacy an atmosphere of tolerance of behaviors within the system is made operative.”

Exactly what happened at Xavier College for 50 years at least.
They all knew and even today those still living will not speak of it.

We see today (July 22, 2021) catholic media and persons leaping to the defence of Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill, former general secretary of the U.S. bishops’ conference.
His compulsive use of the Grindr app to find men to have sex with was exposed by Pillar, a catholic website.
"The Pillar investigation of Msgr. Burrill is unethical, homophobic innuendo" and "I suspect most of us must be caught up in cycles of sinfulness that we repeat less because we want to than because we are sinners and cannot help being sinners." says Steven P. Millies is associate professor of public theology and director of The Bernardin Center at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.
Again we see its not his fault.

His basic complaint is that exposing it will harm the church.
Fr. James Martin SJ and others have posted his article as well.
If you think the bishops didn't know he was actively homosexual, "you're dreaming" as they say.
His crime is to have been caught.

Excuse me, but should he not be just booted out of the priesthood?
No, because he is one of us.

A mature honest priest who cannot maintain celibacy would simply leave the priesthood.
Most do not because they are too invested in their special role, it becomes their identity, without it they won't know who they are.
They have become very attached to being an admired and respected person and having power over other people, and being a member of a very special boys club.

is it any wonder??

This website is in the Sin Bin
Quyen Vu SJ
Update 24 Feb. 2021.
Dropped in to Jesuit HQ in Power St. Hawthorn to see if Fr. Vu would talk to me.
He wasn't there, but Simon Davies (Director of Counter Terrorism) came out.
Simon wouldn't answer any questions and kept repeating refer to the dis-engagement letter.

This letter, of course, is complete rubbish.
But at last we know where Fr. Quyen Vu SJ stands.
I have always said to them if there is anything wrong or inaccurate on this website they can advise me of their version and I'll correct it if I am wrong.
They have never once done this.

Also many of the "issues" are not "Professional Standards" issues viz. Privacy, Charity behaviour, taking a sex abusers money, covering up sex abuse etc.
What Fr. Quyen Vu SJ is saying is we will talk to survivors of sex abuse about their sex abuse and nothing else.

When any government or institution does this you have to ask what are they afraid of?
Its a great shame this has all become personal when it should be about facts.
Even though we have 40 known and credibly accused Jesuit and lay person sex offenders the Society of Jesus has denied that they are except for the four convicted in court.

Do they see me and this website as a threat that has to neutralised?
Would I shut down this website for half a million dollars Simon Davies once mused.

They have tried defamation threats, character assassination, and used the police, I wonder what is next from our counter terrorism expert Simon Davies.
The door , which was only ever open a crack, has been firmly shut.
There will be no dialogue, no answering of genuine questions. The cover up of the shocking criminal history gets stronger.

It is also a really dumb thing to do.
These guys just ignore the basics of psychology.
What happens when an aggrieved person is told to fuck off?
Answer: They become more aggrieved and more resolute in pursuing honesty/justice.
(personally I am not aggrieved but I am very very annoyed)

"the partial inclusion of information we provided" is a curious criticism.
The only information they have provided that was of any use were the staff lists for the 1990-2000 decade.
Then of course they didn't provide the others they promised when they realised how helpful they had been in filling out information on 3 sex abusers and Head of School Brendan Ellis not reporting the crimes to the authorities.
(this is the sort of outrageous accusation that they never respond to or offer a correction).

So, why now?
I think they do see this website and my humble self as a "threat".
• Simply because I am asking questions and seeking answers in a dogged way.
• They suspect that I was partly instrumental in getting Theo Overberg SJ and
    Lawrence Leonard SJ charged with indecent assault.
• Davies asked a former student with a complaint (not sex abuse)
    "is Mark Prytz acting for you".
• An email I recently sent to Xavier Principal Bill Doherty was immediately forwarded to
    Davies by his PA Sally Nightscales.
    viz. "Hi Simon. Further correspondence from MP today. With thanks. Sally"
    (That's the "Funnel" at work. Don't even have use my full name hee heee!!! )

• If the concerns about Privacy and handling of student information are true,
    they might be in very hot water.
• And, of course, just exposing their immoral and unethical words/actions/lies.

They should not be surprised as they assessed me as "obsessed" and "a danger to myself and others".
You would have to be mad of course to "take on" the Society of Jesus in Australia with all their money, power and lawyers, when all you have is a two room shack, no money to speak of, no legal advice and an aging brain.

Feb. 5, 2021 Fr Quyen Vu finally says something.

The only thing of interest he says is "I must admit it is frightening to find oneself in a situation where you are not in control and require other people’s help, rather than being able to help other people."
Doesn't like feeling not in control.... hmmmmm.....
When it comes to sex abuse its all about control of information and the methods and narratives, so he might be just the right man for the job.
Not a word about what are his priorites or objectives for the Australian province.

Found another pic of the nearly invisible Fr. Vu.
This is at Seven Hill, SA. He seems unsure about the painting.

This is effectively what you are agreeing to if you knock on the door for compensation.
Sex Abuse Trauma Solution
drugs This is not officially approved by the Society of Jesus but many survivors of sex abuse, when confronted by denial* turn to the available medications.
Then, of course, they are so out of it that they can't put together a proper legal compensation claim.
Then, of course, the jesuit lawyers say he is obviously a drug addict and its nothing to do with some alleged sex abuse.
Maybe his mommy didn't love him enough or he was just a very average boy who failed in life.

* Denial: Denial is ''here's some money you poor bugger, but we do not not admit any liability or that what what you say is true".

Remembering this Easter the ones who died too young.
Betrayed not by Judas but by the Society of Jesus who allowed and facilitated
their priests and lay teachers in their abuse of boys at Jesuit schools.

The Examen: A Daily Prayer
St. Ignatius Loyola's Examen is an opportunity for peaceful daily reflective prayer.
It invites us to find the movement of God in all the people and events of our day.
The Examen is simply a set of introspective prompts for you to follow or adapt to your own character and spirit.

Begin with a pause and a slow, deep breath or two; become aware that you are in the presence of the Holy.

What am I especially grateful for in the past day . . .
The gift of another day...
The love and support I have received...
The courage I have mustered...
An event that took place today...

I am about to review my day; I ask for the light to know God and to know myself as God sees me.

Where have I felt true joy today?
What has troubled me today?
What has challenged me today?
Where and when did I pause today?
Have I noticed God's presence in any of this?

In light of my review, what is my response to the God of my life?

A Look Ahead
As I look ahead, what comes to mind?
With what spirit do I want to enter tomorrow?

( You would think if they did ths every day they would have a conscience.)


Xavier College mothers having a chat after Mass in the chapel.


Thought for the day.
They just won't learn will they?
Principals like Bill Doherty say things like "we are committed to owning our past"
then ignore anything detrimental to the school hoping these ticking time bombs won't be noticed.
Then if it hits the media they go into damage control and always get it wrong.
They get it wrong because the immediate knee-jerk reaction is the same, defend the school
and defend the prior actions of the school's administration.

Nothing really has changed in the last 10 years.
No lessons have been learned from the Royal Commission.

Xavier College has a $4 million Eldon Hogan Performing Arts Centre
and gives out numerous prizes with his name attached.
All funded by Hogan's Trust administered by Peter Walsh.
And he gives money to renovate the secret Archives and other projects from Eldon's trust.
Eldon is a strongly alleged sex offender, in other words he was.
Ask Peter Walsh who was Eldon's best buddy when students at Xavier College.

The Stephenson Centre is still called The Stephenson Centre even though they took the big sign off it.
There are still signs there saying Stephenson Centre.
Stephenson is a strongly alleged sex offender, in other words he was.

The message here is that they are completely comfortable with the school's facilities
being named after sex offenders who assaulted boys in this very school.
That, just in itself, is apalling. Money talks louder than morality.

The thing about Xavier College and the Society of Jesus is that they can't even pass the little tests.
So there is no hope in heaven of them doing the right thing with larger issues.
Simon Davies and/or the school won't give me copies of staff lists which are not secret, they have been published and many are in the State Library.

And you cannot get anything from their Archives that is not directly related to yourself.
Tell me what you know about former Jesuit Brother Geoff Pearson? Nope!.
In 1997 did Head of School Brendan Ellis receive sex abuse complaints about three staff members? Did he report any to the police? Nope, not telling.
After being dismissed in 1997 for alleged sex abuse why did Xavier College re-employ Glen Walls in 1999? can't tell you that.

All these schools need to understand that in the end it won't work. It will blow up in their faces.

(The psychology of it is these people are so deeply immersed in their own little bubble that they have lost touch with the broader reality of life eternal where truth is not relative.
In the end Xavier College doesn't matter, the Society of Jesus doesn't matter.)

Guardian Angels and other Helpers
Pope Francis asked people that God always would "send us a prophet -
it can be a neighbor, a son or daughter, a mother or father -
who slaps us a little when we are slipping into this world where it seems everything is licit."

Thanks Frank, I feel better now.
So its a good thing if I "slap" Brian McCoy SJ a little to help him
change his "means justifies the ends" protection of the Jesuits' reputation and
and denial of so many Jesuits being sex abusers and his combative legal strategies.

Cultural Similarities
There's a running joke among foreigners in Thailand that the Thai police
if investigating a foreigner's death will look at a scene like this.
The body is hanging from the ceiling, rope around his neck, hands tied behind his back
and has a bullet wound in the head.
The police immediately say "Ahh another suicide".

Reminds me of Brian McCoy SJ looking at the evidence of historical sex abuse.

Spiritual Harm?

Warm thoughts: Brain was ticking over in the shower (Imperial Leather soap was on special last week)
thinking about "loss" and what a survivor of abuse can lose in legal terms.

A judgement for damages quantifies economic loss and psychiatric harm (general damages)
and sometimes exemplary damages.
So, I was thinking what about "Spiritual Harm"?

The catholic church particularly, considers faith, belief and closeness to god to be
terribly important. It will get you to heaven.
I'm not sure of current dogma, whether you can get to heaven without being a catholic.

What often happens to a catholic boy/girl victim of abuse is that they lose their faith and belief in
the catholic church and in god.
This, I suggest, would:
- greatly reduce their chances of getting to heaven.
- mean they live their life without the comfort of the church, jesus, god and the sacraments.

So, the very things the catholic church considers incredibly important and valuable
have been torn away from the survivor.
This result is not just catholic centric.
It would probably include all and any other avenues of possible spiritual development.

If I was a catholic theologian I would consider this to be the greatest harm by far.
The result is that the survivor has been harmed in three main ways, Economically, Psychiatrically and Spiritually.

There are many hypothetical questions about how Spiritual Harm affects a person.
It may even be that some of the very real difficulty survivors undergoing therapy have to
"repair" themselves might be due to the unseen factor of Spiritual Harm.

Should Spiritual Harm be a new category for damages?
In Victoria general damages (psychiatric harm) is limited to $580,000.
I suggest a new category of Spiritual Harm with no monetary limit.

Imagine a survivor saying to a judge:
"The economic loss has been bad, the psychiatric harm has been terrible but more than anything I really miss jesus and god".

"I have had no faith or belief in my whole life. I really wanted to find something, I wanted to try Islam, Sufism, Zen, Hinduism or anything really but I wasn't able to because of the lack of trust I have as a result of being abused"

Is it real?

Institutional Power works the same, from Trump to the Jesuits.
Charles Darwin proved right again. It is the survival of the strongest and wealthiest and most powerful.
Kashoggi and how to get away with murder. "I'm about America first," Trump said. "Oil prices getting lower. Great!" The ends always justifies the means.
Very simple just pick and choose your morals and ethics. The victim is thrown under the bus for the sake of the greater good.

Kind of ironic that Darwin held back publishing "Origin of the Species" for fear of Catholic Church backlash, when the Church is the quintessential Darwinist. Collateral damage is just a fact of life.

Action Method Jesuits / Catholic Church Method
1. Cast doubt on the event  or deny it completely. • Christine Blasey Ford / Kavanaugh / Trump "she's making it up".
Trump / Saudi's / Kashoggi. "we know nothing", then "it was an accident"
• Any civil complaint against a Jesuit is denied.
• Never admit any Jesuit was a sex offender (except those in jail).
• "Unsubstantiated sex claims ruin the life's work of good men" Gerard Henderson (journalist)
2. Discredit the complainant. • Trump: mocking Ford's memory.
Insinuating Khashoggi is a terrorist sympathizer. (he interviewed Osama Bin Laden)
• Read almost any Trump tweet belittling people he doesn't like.
• FAKE!!!
• Catholic's lawyers: "axe to grind", "out to get him", memory wrong, making it up.
• Jesuits: Use complainant's medical history against them.
• Depict them as scammers: "They are people who have failed in life, want to blame someone and get an easy payday"
• "He's obsessed and a danger to himself and others" (Provincial's Office).
3. Provide any fanciful or ridiculous alternate explanations. • Trump: "rogue elements" killed Kashoggi.
Saudi's: Accidentally killed in a fist fight.
• Jesuits: Psychiatric harm caused by.. (choose any other event).
• P.J. Stephenson, Joseph Craig and Peter Quin were "tactile" men.
4.  Lie. Why not.Its easy.
• Countless Trump lies.
• So many of the generalised statements are just lies.
"I am committed to facing the truth about the abuse of children and young people that has occurred in our past.." Brian McCoy s.j.
5. Present a reasonable public face and actually do the opposite. Trump: "there will be very serious consequences" • Jesuits: " we take complaints very seriously". Archishop Peter Comensoli has vowed to "right the grievous wrongs of the past" .
• "The Society of Jesus takes all allegations of child sexual abuse very seriously.." (as a serious threat that is).
• Never actually investigate a complaint.
• "Nothing we can do". Rejecting a complaint.
6. Allow the accused to lie and accept it. • Kavanaugh: A Devil's Triangle is a "drinking game" (its 2 men and one woman having sex). • Jesuits: accept a denial and not investigate for truth viz. Peter Beer s.j.
7. Escape Clause. • Trump: Kavanaugh "proved innocent" ( he wasn't).
• Senator Susan Collins: Blasey Ford might have mis-remembered.
• In the face of new evidence - "I never said there was no collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia" (He did).
• Jesuits: "The Jesuits do not believe that the complaints against Fr. XXXX have been substantiated, but nor have we dismissed the allegations as wrong."
• "there is room for misunderstanding his intentions"
• "the records that are available have been reviewed in detail.To date, we have no evidence.." Brian McCoy s.j.
8. Limit Damage • Trump: Sanction Saudi's but not in any way that harms himself. • Secret compensation agreements.
• Prevent any publicity.

Belief, Disbelief, Shock and Betrayal.
This prompted by some strong criticism I have received about this website and certain information.
I have received demands to take it all down and threats of legal "grenades" landing on me.
The wider Xavier community is up in arms apparently.
Here I try to explain how this happens.

Belief, Disbelief, Shock and Betrayal.
It is very common that when a person is exposed as a child sex abuser many people simply can't believe it.
Rolf Harris and Michael Jackson being high profile cases.
Many Old Xaverians are shocked to find out a certain priest was a sex abuser, when they were at school and knew nothing about it.
This compartmentalising of knowledge is very common.
At Xavier College I did not know Noel Bradford was abusing boys and only heard a few whispers about Willi Kovac being a perv.

Some men I know well have only recently told me of minor things done to them or that they witnessed when I have known them all my life.
Many people will simply not accept that a person was a sex abuser and find many of the usual rationalisations to prove it to themselves.
"He was a wonderful man he could not possibly have done such things"
"I have seen him around kids and with my kids and never seen anything inappropriate".
"Those are false allegations with no proof".
"He never assaulted me, I am sure he would never do it to anyone"
Something to keep in mind is that false allegations are very rare.
And you have to ask "why would anyone make that up?"

The shock of hearing an allegation about someone you love, respect and admire is one thing, then there is a horrible sense of betrayal if it shown to be true.
The fear of this betrayal is also a reason someone will not accept the possibility an allegation is true.
Its a very powerful emotion that can shatter a persons psyche.
Betrayal is a large part of the trauma an abused child feels.
There are, in a way, similarities.

Is it true or not true. Most allegations never get to a trial in court.
With the Society of Jesus allegations are often accepted and a settlement reached but the public, the former students, anyone related or having an interest never finds out.
They continue to believe the person is a good person for many years while at the same time the Society of Jesus is paying out compensation for the abuse he did.

We now see how the secrecy and cover-ups of sex abuse is also harming the faithful believers.
If anyone is in this situation I would urge them to call Brian McCoy SJ and ask him questions.

If, like the six North American Jesuit Provinces, Father McCoy would publish a list of credibly accused sex offenders this sudden shock and betrayal could be avoided.

Where does the blame lie? With this website or with the secrecy and lack of disclosure by Father. McCoy?