"For the Luv a Mike" as one on the above list used to say just before letting loose his frustration either with violence or creaming his pants"
"Sneddon also perved on me and "Student B" in the shower at Burke Hall He just appeared at the door in his black robes staring for too long at our naked bodies. "
"I can smell the stink of his tobacco stained fingers and hair. Could'nt escape and never missed
noticing he would rub the side of his head making his hair stand on end moments before loosing control.
His habit in the shower blocks like a stalking cat frozen with frustration but supressing an urge.
Sick bastard did this to me and far too many to count."
"Stiffy Sneddon was violent drunk who terrified probably thousands of young boys.
He almost always perved (or leered) on the boys changing at the Bourke Hall change rooms after footy on the Studley House side near the top oval (just near where the the Prefect Of Studies, Fr Byrne, preyed on some of us in his evil little room at the end of the drive)
It was a really uncomfortable situation. As young boys, we had absolutely no idea of the magnitude of our magnetism to the pedophiles 'supporting our growth'. Stiffy Sneddon was more than a perve, I was to find out later.
For the four and a bit years at Burke Hall (I might coma back to the 'a bit' a little later) my hands and wrists were pounded with his strap, I was punched in the guts on several occasions and pushed and bumped out of his way.
The more he smelt like alcohol, the angrier he seemed to become.
During class on two occasions I can recall during form 1, he ordered me up to the front of the class to read from a book to the class. I am currently feeling sick remembering how disgusting the pig made me feel.
He would drag me over to stand really close to where he was sitting, and while I was reading, he would pretend to tuck my shirt in. I should say, due to previous experiences, my shirt was always tucked in as a protective device to keep his hands out of my shorts.
The dirty old bastard with his fat hands would make like he was tucking my shirt in, I remember attempting to move away but he would drug me back, roughly, by my shorts and delve his hand into my underpants sliding his finger down my crack and resting the end of his finger on my arsehole.
Throughout my life, I have been robbed, mugged, raped, beaten, ripped off, married and divorced, had cancer, survived a heart condition, been beset by anxiety, depression and have mobility issues, but nothing in my memory was as terrifying as being in a class room with stiffy when he had his finger resting on my ring.
More to follow, I'll tell you how I got arrested when I tried to complain many many years later. More also about Kevin "dumb and violent" Casey and Fr Byrne."
Stiffy fucking Sneddon What an absolute mongrel who enjoyed nothing more than to touch your butt as you stood at the front of class.
Regular as clockwork he would hang out in the change roomsafter sport.
Smelt of alcohol, I can smell him as I write this. Had no hesitation in strapping his favourites, of which I was one.
One day a classmate pretty sure it was Tom was sitting in front of me and we were mucking around, as one does. Sneddon
completely lost his shit and the rage that came over him and the look on his face scared the crap out of me.
With a clear intention of doing harm he stormed down the aisle toward us and when arriving with great force smacked Tom fair in the face.
He looked at me and I expected the same, but I always had a fuck you face, and got 4 of the best instead. It was my first experience of a man out of control.
He regularly had discussions in class on the topic of wet dreams, and one on one discussions about your masturbation habits,
how large your penis was, did you have pubic hair and when you masturbated how it made you feel.
Very creepy, he was one seriously sick bastard. I had thoughts of killing him and Byrne.
I actually kept a knife in my school bag. How messed up is that. One of the worst parts of this whole experience
is my father did not believe me when I shared this with him when it was happening, and that resulted in us being
estranged and rarely ever seeing one another. Burke Hall and my time at Xavier was the the worst years of my life, and simply destroyed my scholastic time.
I did all I could to rebel against the system and my latter teen and early 20's were consumed with alcohol and drugs.
Thankfully I got a grip and thereafter had a pretty normal life and didn't suffer to the degree others possibly did, such as Nick.
This period of time in my life haunts me and has always made me feel somewhat emasculated.
I have always had to overcompensate and that drains you.
Finally some 50 years on I can unburden myself a bit by sharing some of my story.