Fr. Laurence Leonard s.j. Child Sex Assaulter St. Ignatius, Riverview, Sydney. Australia
Alleged Sex Abuser
Fr. Lawrence Leonard s.j.
Legal proceedings against Lawrence Leonard SJ
June 24, 2024
Father Lawrence Leonard S.J. has been found guilty today of the indecent assault of a 12 year old Riverview student
in 1974 by a jury in the District Court of NSW.
The jury only took an hour to deliberate. 50 years to get some justice and hold him to account.
Leonard has been granted bail until sentencing on 6 August 2024
Lawrence Leonard faced two trials for indecent assault.
He was found not guilty in one and there was a hung jury in the other.
***************** History *****************
The trial continues on Thursday June 09, 2022
June 02, 2022 Lawrence Leonard SJ pleaded not guilty to the indecent assault charges, a jury was selected and the trial begins tomorrow June 03, 2022.
There are 2 complainants and 4 charges.
One indecent assault charge in relation to complainant no.1 and 2 indecent act charges and one indecent assault charge in relation to complainant no.2.
Both complainants were in Year 7 at the time of the alleged offences and they relate to 1973 and 1977 when they were aged 11 or 12..
There are four former students who have reported his indecent assaults to this site.
R v LAWRENCE LEONARD , 18 February 2021, CASE NUMBER 2020/00254171 , Local Court HORNSBY NSW, Commital hearing.
Lawrence Leonard SJ at court Sydney, June 06, 2022
Lawrence Leonard SJ at St. Patrick's College, East Melbourne 1968.
Leonard was Chaplain to the Encourage group who "support" family members with homosexual leanings.
Reported Jan. 2019. Fr. Lawrence Leonard s.j. Previously a Brother
1970's at St.Ignatius, Riverview
1987 Xavier College. Master in Charge of Chapel assisted by NM and Year 10 boarders.
1989 Xavier College Registrar / Master in Charge of Chapel
1990 listed as at Xavier - Br. L. Leonard s.j. Years 5-8 Spiritual Director with Br. Victor Higgs s.j.
But possibly working at Burke Hall.
Ordained as priest.
Spiritual Director Corpus Christi College (seminary)
"On 26 October 2016 Corpus Christi College held its farewell dinner for the outgoing rector, Very Rev Brendan Lane.
After dessert, the resident Spiritual Director Fr Laurie Leonard SJ gave a moving speech,
honoring Fr Rector for his priestly and human virtues and for his paternal care and concern for all seminarians. "
"I was abused by Brother Leonard, who was boss of the Junior School [First Form] He said that Leonard “pinched my arse many times”.
A former student says: Leonard was an assistant boarding master for Xavier's junior boarding school in 1987, when I started at Xavier as a Year 10 boarder.
Having spent three years at another Catholic boarding school by then, I was fairly well versed in watching out for paedofiles.
Leonard was an overweight old queen - quite friendly (unlike his stony cold fellow assistant boarding master Br Victor Higgs).
I heard firsthand accounts from fellow Year 10 boarders that Leonard would take them into a room with no-one else present to deliver the strap.
Once the boy had his pants and underwear down, Leonard would take the opportunity to caress their buttocks with his fingers.
It was clearly not intended to be part of the punishment. Creepy.
Another former student says: I was sexually abused by Leonard at Riverview.
It would be good if you could encourage the boarders who Leonard abused to report it to the police,
and if they have suffered any trauma as a result to contact the Jesuits and report it and seek compensation.
Another former student says:
1974. In the Junior School at Riverview Br Leonard made everyone have showers after sport.
Leonard would have boys line up in the nude and then stand in the shower area "supervising".
One time I saw a group of boys standing beside each other getting dressed. Leonard told them to
take off their towels.
After looking at them front on he then walked behind them and then put
his fingers on each boys butt and moved his hand up the middle. This was supposedly
to check whether each boy had dried himself properly.
2019 Still a chaplain/advisor to those groups.
2013 he gets a mention in Kairos magazine.
Archbishop Hart has made the following appointments:
Fr Patrick O’Sullivan SJ will conclude his term as
Spiritual Director at Corpus Christi Seminary, Carlton,
at the end of 2013.
He will be succeeded as Spiritual
Director by Fr Lawrence Leonard SJ, currently the
Superior at Campion Hall, Kew Kairos link Melbourne Catholic
We have a Brother/Priest who was attracted to boys and indecently assaulted some,
who now counsels gay people and their families on how to stop doing homosexual things.
EnCourage and Courage groups.
Support group with priestly guidance for families and friends of those with same sex attraction.
Has the approval and blessing of (Old Xaverian) Archbishop of Melbourne His Grace Denis Hart. (now retired)
Cardinal George Pell also appointed a chaplain to the group.
Fr. Laurie Leonard. is the Melbourne contact.
To speak to a sympathetic person use the following phone numbers.
Fr Laurie Leonard SJ
03 9854 8189 with voice mail
They say:
Sex attraction is not the work of God - nor is it usually a person's choice.
There is no scientific proof that SSA is the result of genetic factors.
SSA is an aspect of under-developed sexuality resulting from no one single factor.
The orientation of SSA , though disordered is not sinful in itself.
Homosexual acts, however, are sinful - and do not lead a person to a deeper life in Jesus Christ.
it is possible for our loved ones to to live a chaste life in a healthy, joyful manner.