Jesuits as teachers tend to stay for years in one school.
A very short tenure raises a question. e.g. R. Galbraith, P. Beer, P. Wallbridge, Willi Kovac.
But many priests at schools stayed there for many years and were protected by the school and the Society of Jesus. e.g. P.J. Stephenson, Noel Bradford, Joseph Craig.
A Jesuit is always moved by the Provincial. If a lay teacher is moved or dismissed by the school Principal/Rector the Provincial will be informed about it.
So there would be a lot of information about all these moves in the Society of Jesus files.
All the names in blue the graphic here are known sex and/or physical abusers.
The question remains, who knew what and when did they know it?
There is not one known instance of the Society of Jesus or a school Master reporting an offender to the police or relevant Authority at the time.
(Note: Dates are as accurate as possible, often they are hard to find, there might some small errors.