Jesuit and Catholic Church - Clerical and Institutional Abuse Forum (Australia)

WARNING: Child Sex Abuse Content.

Jesuit Offenders Intro.
pj-stephenson-head2   P.J. Stephenson s.j.
Peter_Beer_sj_1969_02     Peter Beer s.j.
Noel_Bradford_1969_head2   Noel Bradford s.j.
willi_kovac_head   Willi Kovac
John_Byrne_head   John Byrne s.j.
Joseph_Craig_head   Joseph Craig s.j.
Richard_Galbraith_head   Richard Galbraith s.j.
Paul Schulze s.j.
Brenton Lewis s.j.
W_Marum W. "Bill" Marum
Eldon_Hogan_head_40px Eldon Hogan
T_Carter_head   Tim. Carter s.j.
Philip_Wallbridge_1976_04_head Philip. Wallbridge s.j.
G_M_larkin_sj_1975_headmin   G. (Mac) Larkin s.j.
Richard (Donal) Lane s.j.
H_Sneddon_head   Henry Sneddon s.j.
Brian Purcell s.j.
Stanislaus_Hogan_head2   Stan Hogan s.j.
Larry Kean
JR_Boylen_head3   J.R. Boylan s.j.
Michael O’Mahoney s.j.
Victor_Higgs_head2   Victor Higgs s.j.
Peter_Quin_head   Peter Quin s.j.
Celso_Romanin_head   Celso Romanin s.j.
Brian_OReilly_min Brian O'Reilly
Glen_Walls_headmin Glen Walls
Boarders Master A
Theo_Overberg_head2   Theo Overberg s.j.
Peter_Kelly_LL._B._1938_min   Peter Kelly s.j.
James McInerny s.j.
David Rankin s.j.
Patrick_O_Sullivan_head   Patrick O'Sullivan s.j.
Laurence_Leonard_SJ_1968_StPats Lawrence Leonard s.j.
Paul_McMahon   Paul McMahon
Leo_Flynn_40px   Leo Flynn SJ
Stephen_Hamra_60px   Stephen Hamra
Philip_Astley_headstone2   Philip Astley SJ
  Colin Fearon
  Kevin Carroll s.j.
Peter_Bohrsmann_head   Peter Bohrsmann
Bill_James_1969_headmin   W. "Bill" James

Walter_Logue_head   Walter Logue SJ
  Malcolm Joseph
Michael O’Mahoney - Xavier College Kew Australia

Alleged Sex Abuser

Michael O’Mahoney

Xavier College 1946-1959
Allegations received by the Province and otherwise as alleged by individuals,

O'Mahony, Michael, 1905-1981, Jesuit priest
Person 22 November 1905-28 July 1981

Born: 22 November 1905, Mullinahone, County Tipperary
Entered: 01 September 1927, St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly
Ordained: 31 July 1940
Professed: 25 March 1943
Died: 28 July 1981, Xavier College, Kew, Melbourne, Australia - Australiae Province (ASL)

Transcribed HIB to ASL : 05 April 1931

◆ David Strong SJ “The Australian Dictionary of Jesuit Biography 1848-2015”, 2nd Edition, Halstead Press, Ultimo NSW, Australia, 2017 - ISBN : 9781925043280

Michael O’Mahoney must have come from a pious family, as his brother, John, became a priest and a sister became a nun.

Michael attended the local National School until he was thirteen years old.
Then he was educated by the Christian Brothers in Kilkenny, and by the Jesuits at Mungret College, Limerick, where he gained his matriculation.

During the next three years he served his apprenticeship in a mixed business.
O’Mahoney entered the Society at Tullabeg, 1 September 1927.

He completed a home juniorate at Rathfarnham Caste, Dublin, in English, Irish, Latin, French, mathematics, history and geography. His philosophy studies were also completed at Tullabeg.
Immediately afterwards he was sent to Australia for regency, one year at St Ignatius' College, Riverview, and three and a half years at Xavier College, Kew.

During those years he taught mathematics, history, and religion.
He was also appointed rowing master and coach, and given charge of the junior debating society.
He was master of ceremonies, division prefect and football coach.

These years were followed by theology studies at Milltown Park, Dublin, and he was ordained 31 July 1940.
His tertianship followed immediately at Rathfarnham Castle. Instead of returning to Australia, O’Mahoney volunteered for service as a chaplain in the Royal Air Force during World War II.

For the following three years he served on various RAF stations in England tending to the spiritual needs of the pilots.
From 1946-59 O’Mahoney once again took up teaching religion and mathematics at Xavier College, Kew. He was rowing coach from 1954-58, and in addition was a part time chaplain with the RAAF.

In 1959 he moved to St Ignatius' College, Norwood, where he taught religion and mathematics.
In 1971 he assumed a new role by joining the parish of Hawthorn. The following year he went to Sevenhill.
and from 1973-80. was on the parish staff at Glenelg, SA. Over the last few years of his life, O’Mahoney did not enjoy good health.
He joined the Xavier College community for his last years.