John Byrne 1967-1972 (Riverview 1962-1966)**
Paul Schulze 1968-1970 (Riverview 1995-1997)**
Greg ( Mac) Larkin 1962-1966*
Peter Beer (alive)1957-1959
Phillip Wallbridge (Deceased) 1973
Richard Galbraith (Living)1959-1961
B Purcell 1957
Henry Sneddon 1969- 1976 (Riverview 1954-1956,1962-1968) *
Bede Lowery s.j.*** 1958 and 1975 (one term) assault causing physical damage
Celso Romanin s.j. *** (alive)1964-1966
Lay staff:
W Marum 1965-1976
Willi Kovac (convicted)
L Kean*** (music teacher) 1977-?1979,1981
Joseph Craig 1939-1968 **
Greg Larkin 1971-1980 *
Phillip Wallbridge 1971-1972
Herbert Balding 1969-1971, 1974-1975 (allegations concerning adults NOT children)**
Lay staff:
Willi Kovac . (convicted)
Brenton Lewis*** (scholastic, assistant to junior boarders)1977-?1979
Noel Bradford (Living)
1963 - 1979 (St Pats East Melbourne 1962,Riverview 1980-1985,1996-1997)**(living)
Patrick Stephenson 1931- 1990**
Richard Galbraith (Living) 1968
Peter Beer (Living) 1969(under investigation)
Peter Quin 1956-1958,1970-1973, 1989-1992 (Riverview 1974-1981)**
Tim Carter 1971-1974
Phillip Wallbridge (Deceased) 1974-19??,1982- 1988, 1992-1993
(1989 St Aloysius’,1990-1991 Provincials office)
Richard (Donal)Lane 1961-1962 **
J R Boylen 1950 - 1959 **
Michael O’Mahoney 1946-1959*
Stan Hogan (Living)1990,s( convicted and goaled for child pornography)
Victor Higgs (Living,convicted)1986 - ?1989** second division boarder master
Lay staff:
Willi Kovac (Living, convicted)
Eldon Hogan
L.Kean ***(music teacher) 1975, 1976
Brian O’Reilly*** (Living)1993-1997
Glen Terence Walls*** (Living, Graphics teacher, 1997
Other Jesuit alleged sex offenders:
David Rankin (Living, convicted)
James McInerney**(Riverview ,Corpus christi seminary, Aquinas college, Newman college)
*** Peter Kelly sj (Provincial in 70,s)
*** Patrick O ‘Sullivan S.j. (Living ,former Provincial)
*** new addition
** Allegations accepted by the Jesuit Province * Allegations received by the Province and
otherwise as alleged by individuals,
( including convictions in Australia of Jesuits not connected to Xavier)
Other Schools A List in progress.....
St. Ignatius College, Riverview, Sydney.
Victor Higgs s.j.
Theo Overberg s.j. Riverview 1970's.
James McInerney (Riverview ,Corpus Christi seminary, Aquinas college, Newman college)
Br. Leonard s.j. Riverview 1970's.
Fr. Kevin Carroll SJ. Riverview 1957-63.
St. Aloysius College, Sydney.
Philip Wallbridge s.j.
Colin Fearon
St. Ignatius College, Adelaide.
Stephen Hamra
Other Jesuit sex offenders not in schools:
Leo Flynn Richmond, Vic. parish ( under investigation at time of death)
David Rankin (convicted)
Patrick O'Sullivan s.j.
Monsignor John Day (Mildura) Alumni of Xavier, not a Jesuit.
The following alleged and substantiated Jesuit sex offenders are still alive:
Noel Bradford ex S.J.
Richard Galbraith ex S.J.
Peter Beer SJ
Celso Romanin s.j.
Theo Overberg s.j.
Victor Higgs ex SJ convicted
Stan Hogan S.J. (child pornography) convicted
Patrick O’Sullivan S.J.
David Rankin ex SJ convicted
Paul McMahon ex-s.j.
The following are unknown
Brian Purcell
Brenton Lewis
Alphabetical List
Number | First Name | Last Name | Classification | Location 1 |
1 | John | Byrne | Jesuit Priest | Burke Hall |
2 | Noel | Bradford | Jesuit Priest | Xavier College |
3 | Herbert | Balding | Jesuit Priest | Kostka Hall |
4 | Peter | Beer | Jesuit Priest | Xavier College |
5 | J. | Boylan | Jesuit Priest | |
6 | T. | Carter | Jesuit Priest | Xavier College |
7 | Joseph | Craig | Jesuit Priest | Kostka Hall |
8 | Richard | Galbraith | Jesuit Priest | Burke Hall |
9 | Victor | Higgs | Jesuit Priest | St. Ignatius, Adelaide |
10 | Eldon | Hogan | Old Xaverian | Xavier College |
11 | Stan | Hogan | Jesuit Priest | St. Ignatius, Adelaide |
12 | Willi | Kovac | Lay Teacher | Xavier College |
13 | Richard | Lane | Jesuit Priest | Xavier College |
14 | G. | Larkin | Jesuit Priest | Burke Hall |
15 | Br. | Leonard | Brother | St. Ignatius, Riverview |
16 | Brenton | Lewis | Jesuit Scholastic | Xavier College |
17 | W. "Bill" | Marum | Lay Teacher | Burke Hall |
18 | James | McInerny | Jesuit Priest | |
19 | Michael | O'Mahoney | Jesuit Priest | Xavier College |
20 | Brian | O'Reilly | Lay Teacher | Xavier College |
21 | Patrick | O'Sullivan | Jesuit Priest | |
22 | Theo | Overberg | Jesuit Priest | St. Ignatius, Riverview |
23 | Brian | Purcell | Jesuit Scholastic | Burke Hall |
24 | Peter | Quin | Jesuit Priest | Xavier College |
25 | David | Rankin | Jesuit Priest | |
26 | Celso | Romanin | Jesuit Priest | Burke Hall |
27 | Paul | Schulze | Jesuit Priest | Burke Hall |
28 | Henry | Sneddon | Jesuit Priest | Burke Hall |
29 | Patrick | Stephenson | Jesuit Priest | Xavier College |
30 | Phillip | Wallbridge | Jesuit Priest | St. Ignatius, Riverview |
31 | Glen | Walls | Lay Teacher | Xavier College |
32 | Boarder Master | A | Lay Teacher | Xavier College |
33 | Bede | Lowery* | Jesuit Priest | Burke Hall |
34 | Peter | Kelly | Jesuit Priest | France |
35 | Leo | Flynn | Jesuit Priest | Richmond Parish |
Denial and Cover Up
Fr. Tom O'Donovan SJ - 1968 - 1973 at St. Aloysius College, Nth. Sydney.
Fr. Paul Keenan SJ - Rector Xavier College 1958 - 1967
Fr. F. Wallace SJ - 1963 - Xavier College, 1965 - 1972 St. Ignatius, Athelstone
Bishop Gregory O'Kelly SJ - Bishop of Adelaide
Mr. C. McCabe 1998 - 2008 Xavier College Principal
Mr. Chris Hayes 2009 - Xavier College Principal
The following is a statement from some concerned ex-students
Between 1960 and 1980,s there were 18 alleged perpetrators of child sexual abuse
at all 3 campuses (Xavier ,Kostka and Burke hall )at various times.
Between 1965 and 1968 there were 4 alleged abusers at The senior school.
Some are on the public record ,some admitted by the Jesuits ,
some we have heard of directly from survivors and some have come via third party reports.
This was the peak period for child abuse worldwide and the Royal Commission enquiring
into child abuse has shown that between 6-10% of clergy were involved.
The Jesuit province has a process to deal with complaints.
In our opinion it is not proactive enough.
They will deal with complainants who have the courage to come forward but on their terms.
Their approach in any civil action is largely legalistic defensive and self protective.
We do not think this is a proper way to deal with survivors of child sex abuse.
We say inform all persons who were potentially in contact with known abusers .
We consider that at the very least survivors need to know :
1.that they were not the only ones
2.that they will be believed
3.that they have the support of their peers and the Old Xavs community broadly.
4.that the Jesuits will provide appropriate medical assistance and proper compensation.
The terrible even shocking reality is that innocent children entrusted to the Jesuits
by their parents were abused at Xavier and their lives were adversely impacted .
We cannot underestimate the impact that these crimes have had.
We do not know how many survivors there are .
Perpetrators of child sexual abuse do not usually offend once ,
they keep on offending until they are caught or die.
The only thing we can do is to persuade the Old boys that these injustices must be properly
redressed and for them to encourage the Jesuits to live up to
their own principles of social justice and "men for others".
Who else will speak up for their friends , their fellow students ,their brothers?
It could just as easily been the fate of anyone of us.