Including hugs, "teaching" a boy how to cox a rowing crew by sitting the boy between his legs.
Forcing his hand down a boy's pants and groping his genitals.
Allegation of anal rape.
Story: Bradford was coach of the under 16A football team.
One night in the dormitory he came up to a boy in bed and offered to massage his injured thigh.
He pulled the sheets back and proceeded to massage the boy with many of the other
boys in the room knowing exactly what was going on.
Which just shows how secure and immune from any repercussions he and others felt.
Because the boys were powerless and knew they couldn't do anything about it.
This sort of behaviour was ALLOWED by the school.
Its a hard thing to understand, but from a boarder's point of view especially,
if a priest is doing something you think is wrong, you have to accept it because he must be
allowed to do it, because a priest would never do anything wrong.

Xavier Abuse Survivors Network says:
Mr Bradford formerly Father Noel Bradford s.j. also known as "Brick" Bradford was
educated at Xavier. He came from a sheep station near Deniliquin.
In 1947 he was a prefect along with fellow jesuit Barry Leonard and in 1948
he won the prize for Conspicuous influence in the school .
In the same year father Peter Quin won the Dr Frank Foleys prize for catholic action.
Father JR Boylen was prefect of studies .As a jesuit at Xavier Mr Bradford
sometimes sported a sheepskin vest in winter.
Boylen, Bradford, Quin and Stephenson have all been the subject of allegations of child abuse.
Bradford started his career at St Pats East Melbourne 1962.
He then went to England and appeared at Xavier in third term 1963.
In approx 1996 two allegations about bradford were made to the then provincial Bill Uren.
These were admitted and in writing.
He was rector of Riverview at the time and was
removed from there in third term to Seven hills retreat centre north of Adelaide
where he became assistant retreat master .
In a homily given by Bill Uren at Newman College Parkville 2014.
He refers to the "tsunami "of child abuse allegations coming to him at that time.
Phillip Gleeson s.j. has referred to him in his time as retreat master as "his wily spiritual mentor"
One allegation led to a settlement without report to the police.
The other was settled after civil action was taken .
At no time did the wily Mr bradford step down from his ministry.
And 3 years after retirement he was defrocked in 2015.
What exactly is the extent of the harm he did across a 50 year career as a jesuit priest?
At Xavier at Riverview at St Pats as founding father of the Catholic Lay Community
(Christian Life Community?)?
They describe themselves as:
The Christian Life Community (CLC) way of life invites us to encounter God in all the
various aspects of our everyday life, reflect on these experiences, become more aware
of God's activity in these experiences, and respond in ever more authentic ways to
God's desire within our individual lives and our communal lives.
This is where it is all so immoral and unethical and dishonest inside the church.
A self-admitted sex abuser of children, now that's a serious crime by the way,
is hidden away and wrapped in cotton wool and his crimes kept secret.
Was the Christian Life Community told of his crimes? Told why he was defrocked?
Their May 2012 "Spirit express" (South Australia) is a glowing tribute to him.
"I am left with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for a beautiful and humble man".
Judy Foster, Chairperson SA EXCO
Even in their 2016 Summer report they still refer to him with gratitude.
"Certainly, with CLC in the early years I re-member Noel Bradford, we’d ask him how
things were going, trying to get CLC to catch on and he’s say “Well the plane’s taxing on the tarmac.”
And we would always ask him “Well, when is the plane going to take off?”
It is astonishing that they still admire him and ignore his crimes against children.
But this is the sort of "moral duplicity" the church and its faithful can accommodate in their
obsession with never being seen to be bad or wrong.
The truth is just too awful, their organisation was co-founded by a priest who sexually abused children.
Nowadays his poisoned chalice has been picked up by Andrew Hamilton s.j.
(CLC Victoria Ecclesiastical Assistant ).
Andy was a scholastic at Xavier 1966-67,when Bradford was there too of course.
he is also the editor of the eureka street catholic website.

You gotta feel sorry for Tess, I guess he didn't know or no one told her,
maybe she still doesn't know…..