Jesuit and Catholic Church - Clerical and Institutional Abuse Forum (Australia)

WARNING: Child Sex Abuse Content.

Jesuit Offenders Intro.
pj-stephenson-head2   P.J. Stephenson s.j.
Peter_Beer_sj_1969_02     Peter Beer s.j.
Noel_Bradford_1969_head2   Noel Bradford s.j.
willi_kovac_head   Willi Kovac
John_Byrne_head   John Byrne s.j.
Joseph_Craig_head   Joseph Craig s.j.
Richard_Galbraith_head   Richard Galbraith s.j.
Paul Schulze s.j.
Brenton Lewis s.j.
W_Marum W. "Bill" Marum
Eldon_Hogan_head_40px Eldon Hogan
T_Carter_head   Tim. Carter s.j.
Philip_Wallbridge_1976_04_head Philip. Wallbridge s.j.
G_M_larkin_sj_1975_headmin   G. (Mac) Larkin s.j.
Richard (Donal) Lane s.j.
H_Sneddon_head   Henry Sneddon s.j.
Brian Purcell s.j.
Stanislaus_Hogan_head2   Stan Hogan s.j.
Larry Kean
JR_Boylen_head3   J.R. Boylan s.j.
Michael O’Mahoney s.j.
Victor_Higgs_head2   Victor Higgs s.j.
Peter_Quin_head   Peter Quin s.j.
Celso_Romanin_head   Celso Romanin s.j.
Brian_OReilly_min Brian O'Reilly
Glen_Walls_headmin Glen Walls
Boarders Master A
Theo_Overberg_head2   Theo Overberg s.j.
Peter_Kelly_LL._B._1938_min   Peter Kelly s.j.
James McInerny s.j.
David Rankin s.j.
Patrick_O_Sullivan_head   Patrick O'Sullivan s.j.
Laurence_Leonard_SJ_1968_StPats Lawrence Leonard s.j.
Paul_McMahon   Paul McMahon
Leo_Flynn_40px   Leo Flynn SJ
Stephen_Hamra_60px   Stephen Hamra
Philip_Astley_headstone2   Philip Astley SJ
  Colin Fearon
  Kevin Carroll s.j.
Peter_Bohrsmann_head   Peter Bohrsmann
Bill_James_1969_headmin   W. "Bill" James

Walter_Logue_head   Walter Logue SJ
  Malcolm Joseph
Brian O’Reilly - Xavier College Kew Australia Sex Abuse Brian O’Reilly

Known inappropriate behaviour - Grooming and interrogating students about their sexual behaviour.
Studied at Australian Catholic University.
1989 until 1st term 1997 Xavier Lay Teacher.
He was also Co-ordinator Middle School Camps, which he he took full advantage of, as can be seen below.

O’Reilly was dismissed suddenly in 1997.
One report says it after a report to Paul Henderson, Principal of Burke Hall.
Another report says it was after some students told their parents and the parents went to Brendan Ellis.
Brendan Ellis, Xavier Head of School, did the sacking.
It would seem that Brendan Ellis did not report O'Reilly to the appropriate government department as he had to under the 1994 Mandatory Reporting law.
It would also seem Brendan Ellis did not mention O'Reilly's inappropriate behaviour in any reference thus enabling O'Reilly to be employed in other schools.

It seems very soon after he gained employment at St Joesphs Marist Brothers North Fitzroy.
What references did he have to enable this?
Did St Joesphs contact Xavier College? What did they say?

Sexual grooming behaviour at St Joesph's Marist Brothers North Fitzroy has been reported as well.

After 1997 he taught at St. Josephs Marist Brothers , North Fitzroy which merged with Redden Catholic College in Preston in the year 2000.
Thus forming Samaritan Catholic College located on the site now used by Parade College. Samaritan Catholic College closed in 2009 due to declining numbers.
He finished his teaching at Samaritan after 2008.
He then taught at the all girls catholic school Santa Maria College in Northcote, until 2018 when he retired.
Past Santa Maria students heard rumours that the former mathematics and science teacher would be "very close" to the students.
No known official reports by students have been made at any of the schools he worked at except Xavier College.

He appears at Santa Maria Catholic Girls College, Northcote, Melbourne.(2003 approx. 05/06 ?? )
He recently (2018) retired from there after about 12 years.

Deborah Barker, the Principal of Santa Maria Catholic Girls College (2019) went deathly quiet
when asked to identify his photo and has run away from all other questions.

Ex-student reports:
Essentially over the course of a number of years he barricaded boys in his tutor group
(he was the House Master of Gonzaga house) at lunchtimes and asked extremely inappropriate questions
(“do you masturbate?”, “do you produce semen?”, “do you think about men?”).

These meetings were always held one on one, at lunchtime when other teachers were not around.
He also used to ply students with chocolates for their birthday (seemingly innocuous,
however on reflection it was probably an attempt to groom boys;
and other teachers did not hand out chocolates, so the behaviour was extremely unusual).

This was known to have happened over the course of a number of years (at least 5 years).
I understand this was reported to Brendan Ellis (Head of the Senior Campus at the time)
and was pretty much ignored.

Mr O’Reilly made a mistake when he groomed one boy in my year level and asked these questions;
this boy turned out to have connections to the head teacher at Burke Hall at the time.
The moment the head of Burke Hall(Paul Henderson) found out Mr O’Reilly was quickly moved on.

There was no explanation given as to why he left the school (and this was during the middle of a term).
On school camp at Buxton he was known to patrol the showers with a meticulous eye-I remember
not showering for the rest of the week after finding this out.

There were also rumours of him patrolling the toilets at the Senior Canpus with
similar vigour and he worked in the Boarding House.
This all happened in 1997 (quite remarkable that it was still going on in the late 1990s,
particularly after the Fr Wallbridge debacle only a few years before;
I actually remember at the time Fr Wallbridge being lauded as a hero when he got the job at the VFL/AFL!).

Ironically I think he went to a catholic school near Ballarat.
It was definitely somewhere in the country. He left in a veil of secrecy,
however when we were in year 12 (year 2000) we went to Rod Laver Arena for a Catholic Mass
(a large number of schools attended this mass (which from memory, the mass was held by George Pell!)).

We saw Brian O’Reilly there with a bunch of students from the school he was teaching at.
Needless to say, when he saw us and we recognised him, he made himself and his students very scarce!
Suffice to say he was still teaching in 2000.

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