Jesuit and Catholic Church - Clerical and Institutional Abuse Forum (Australia)

WARNING: Child Sex Abuse Content.

Jesuit Offenders Intro.
pj-stephenson-head2   P.J. Stephenson s.j.
Peter_Beer_sj_1969_02     Peter Beer s.j.
Noel_Bradford_1969_head2   Noel Bradford s.j.
willi_kovac_head   Willi Kovac
John_Byrne_head   John Byrne s.j.
Joseph_Craig_head   Joseph Craig s.j.
Richard_Galbraith_head   Richard Galbraith s.j.
Paul Schulze s.j.
Brenton Lewis s.j.
W_Marum W. "Bill" Marum
Eldon_Hogan_head_40px Eldon Hogan
T_Carter_head   Tim. Carter s.j.
Philip_Wallbridge_1976_04_head Philip. Wallbridge s.j.
G_M_larkin_sj_1975_headmin   G. (Mac) Larkin s.j.
Richard (Donal) Lane s.j.
H_Sneddon_head   Henry Sneddon s.j.
Brian Purcell s.j.
Stanislaus_Hogan_head2   Stan Hogan s.j.
Larry Kean
JR_Boylen_head3   J.R. Boylan s.j.
Michael O’Mahoney s.j.
Victor_Higgs_head2   Victor Higgs s.j.
Peter_Quin_head   Peter Quin s.j.
Celso_Romanin_head   Celso Romanin s.j.
Brian_OReilly_min Brian O'Reilly
Glen_Walls_headmin Glen Walls
Boarders Master A
Theo_Overberg_head2   Theo Overberg s.j.
Peter_Kelly_LL._B._1938_min   Peter Kelly s.j.
James McInerny s.j.
David Rankin s.j.
Patrick_O_Sullivan_head   Patrick O'Sullivan s.j.
Laurence_Leonard_SJ_1968_StPats Lawrence Leonard s.j.
Paul_McMahon   Paul McMahon
Leo_Flynn_40px   Leo Flynn SJ
Stephen_Hamra_60px   Stephen Hamra
Philip_Astley_headstone2   Philip Astley SJ
  Colin Fearon
  Kevin Carroll s.j.
Peter_Bohrsmann_head   Peter Bohrsmann
Bill_James_1969_headmin   W. "Bill" James

Walter_Logue_head   Walter Logue SJ
  Malcolm Joseph
Patrick O'Sullivan SJ

Alleged Sex Abuser

Patrick O'Sullivan SJ

Alleged Adult Sexual Assault and verbal abuse.
Patrick_O_Sullivan Patrick_OSullivan_02_PaulII
Patrick O'Sullivan SJ with Pope Paul II
♦ See the Noreen Wood story.
A relative of Patrick O'Sullivan defends him       ♦ MWP Diary - Patrick O'Sullivan

Death Notice           ♦
O'SULLIVAN SJ, Fr. Patrick Neil
On May 31st at Kew, Victoria
Fr. Patrick Neil O’Sullivan SJ
Son of Neil and Margaret O’Sullivan (both deceased)

Fr Patrick entered the Society of Jesus (SJ) 1st Feb. 1951
He was ordained priest on 3rd Jan. 1962,taking his final vows on 15th August 1968
During this time Fr Patrick served in Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, and Brisbane
before being appointed Provincial of the Society from 1973-78

In the following years he ministered around Australia and in Italy and Africa.
Since 2010 he has resided at Campion House Kew.
Fr Patrick is remembered by his family, fellow Jesuits and the wider community for his deep faith, scholarship and pastoral Ministry
May he rest in peace

Fr Patrick O'Sullivan s.j. grew up in Brisbane, Australia, where he was educated by the Christian Brothers.
After school, he went to Melbourne to study for a Bachelor of Arts degree.
In 1951 he joined the Jesuits, and was ordained by Cardinal Gilroy in 1962.
He taught at St Ignatius' College, Riverview, NSW, and after ordination spent his tertianship in Paray le Monial, France.
He completed an MA in Philosophy at Melbourne University, and later did a PhD in Philosophy at Queensland University.
His appointments have included
- Dean of Newman College, Melbourne;
- Dean and University Chaplain at St Thomas More College, Perth;
- Vice Rector and University Chaplain at University of Queensland and
- Rector of Students at Campion College, Melbourne.

- From 1973-78 he was Provincial of the Jesuit Order in Australia
- and then Secretary for the Christian Life Communities in Rome,
- followed by a stint as Pastoral Assistant for the Jesuit Refugee Service, East Africa.
- While involved in the retreat ministry, he was also editor of the Jesuit magazine of spirituality, Madonna, for a number years,
and his most recent post was as resident spiritual director of Corpus Christi Regional Seminary in Melbourne.

Face to face with Fr Patrick O’Sullivan SJ

Edwina Hall, Kairos, Volume 24 Issue 14         ♦ Link to Kairos Story

Fr Patrick O’Sullivan SJ originally hales from Brisbane, where he grew up and was educated by the Christian Brothers.
After school, he arrived in Melbourne to study a Bachelor of Arts at Melbourne University as a resident of Newman College.
In 1951 he joined the Jesuits and was ordained by Cardinal Gilroy, in North Sydney, in 1962.
He taught at St Ignatius College in Riverview, NSW, and after ordination spent his tertianship in Paray le Monial, France.

Fr Pat has held several posts. These include university chaplain, rector, provincial of the Society of Jesus in Australia
and vice-president (chaplain) for the World Christian Life Community (CLC) in Rome,
where he once was tasked with the job of sacking the current Pope, whom he knew then as Jorge.
Fr O’Sullivan has written many books about spirituality and is currently the
resident spiritual director of Corpus Christi Regional Seminary in Carlton.

What did you learn from the Christian Brothers in Brisbane?
I acquired my love of rugby from them. In religious knowledge, the Christian Brothers always read us a life of a saint
and I found that very, very helpful. When I first thought of being a priest,
I would have been about eight or nine, the brothers read us a story of Damien of Molokai and that famous sermon of his which began,
‘We lepers …’ I remember going home that night to my mother and saying,
‘Mum, I know what I’m going to do when I grow up. I’m going to be a doctor and work in the leper colony and I’m sure of going to heaven.’
My mother said, ‘Why not become a priest like Uncle Kevin?’
The thought lodged then and never went away. I didn’t like it at the time.

What did you find helpful in discerning your vocation?
It was prayer mainly. I’d visit my uncle Kevin, who was a Jesuit teaching Moral Theology at the seminary at Werribee,
and I suppose I was dying for someone to tell me what to do, and I would say to him,
‘You enjoy being a priest Uncle Kevin?’ ‘Yes, it’s a good life.’ ‘Sometimes are there difficulties?’ ‘Yeah, there are difficulties sometimes.’
‘What do you think I should do?’ He’d never answer. He’d say, ‘it’s a big decision, isn’t it?’
When you apply to join the Society of Jesus, they ask you if there is anyone who has influenced you and if they have,
they say, ‘Not for the moment, anyway’. It has to be freely made.

Tell me about your role as provincial of the Society of Jesus in Australia
I was provincial for six years, from 1973 to ’79. I remember saying to the provincial of another order,
‘What’s it like being provincial?’ and he said, ‘It’s like being in charge of a drunken football team.’

One of the things about the Jesuits, the government is very, very personal.
The provincial has an interview with every member of the province once a year, which is highly confidential,
but it really is to find out how the person is feeling in themselves or where the Lord is calling them.
The first year I was provincial, when I would see people, I would ask them what they would like to do. And this would confuse them.
People are very obedient. So, I learned to say, ‘I know you’ll do whatever I ask you, but can you believe in this?’ and then they felt freed up.

Tell me about your time as vice-assistant for the World CLC in Rome.
I was vice-assistant from 1979 to ’86. We would visit the national CLC in different countries.
We had heard there were troubles in the CLC in Argentina. The present Pope, Jorge, was the national assistant.
So, we wrote to him and asked him to hold a national assembly to try to work things out,
but it didn’t quite work. He wrote to us about the assembly,
[saying] that he realised there were problems but that despite the difficulties he was reluctantly
prepared to carry on as the national assistant.
But we weren’t quite happy with that in Rome. We decided we would dismiss all office bearers in the community in Argentina
and appoint our own man to try to bring things together.
So, I wrote to Jorge: ‘In light of your expressed reluctance to carry on, we now relieve you of all your responsibilities…’

How do you feel having a fellow Jesuit as Pope?
I can’t take it in. I think he is wonderful. I met Jorge in Buenos Aires in 1974—we were both provincials—and in 1983.
He was a little bit guarded then but now he is a breath of fresh air; he is wooing everyone.

Tell me about your work as spiritual director at Corpus Christi.
This is my seventh year at Corpus Christi. All the first years come to me for spiritual direction
and anyone else at Corpus Christi who wants to. My idea of a spiritual director is to be the
person to whom you can talk about the things you don’t want to talk about;
one who allows an atmosphere of freedom. It’s never a question of telling people what to do
but creating the atmosphere whereby they can really look at things themselves and their relationship with Jesus.

What advice would you give to men considering joining the priesthood?
The main thing is prayer and to have someone to talk to. Cardinal Martini, a Scripture scholar,
talks about the rich young man who comes to Jesus and says, ‘What must l do to possess eternal life?’
and Jesus says ‘Keep the commandments.’ And he says, ‘I’ve done all that’,
and he went away sad. Martini said the mistake the rich young man made was that he looked at
what he had to do and lost sight of his relationship.
If he’d kept the relationship running it could have been a different outcome.
Tell Jesus how you feel, even get angry with him, but keep the relationship going. Also talk to Mary.

Favourite piece of Scripture?
Philippians 2:6-11.

Chris Wilcock’s There Is Nothing Told about This Woman.

Favourite saints?
St Ignatius, St Anthony of Padua,
St Patrick and St Joseph.

Words of wisdom?
Jesus is a real person; whatever you do, keep the relationship running because our lives revolve around relationships.

I Call You Friends:
Friendship with Jesus in Daily Life by Fr Patrick O’Sullivan SJ was launched by Fr Michael Head SJ at Campion House in Kew, Vic. on Friday 13 April 2018.
This is the text from Fr Head’s address.

I Call You Friends is a wonderful title. We have two meanings of the word call.
One is the name of someone who could be called Gabriel or Kerry, and the second is to pick up the iPhone and communicate with someone: we call them.

In this volume, both meanings are used. I call you by the name of ‘friends’, and then that friendship leads to us communicating with Jesus.

People read books for a number of reasons, and apparently the sales of printed books have increased over the last few years.
People read some books to be entertained, like a good murder mystery or humorous novel.

Others read books because they contain a lot of information, like a standard textbook or history book.
Others read a book because they are seeking an education, so the volume is a way of leading people into a particular subject.

Pat’s new book is all three. It is full of humorous stories, it is full of spiritual information and it is full of guidance
about how to improve our relationships with God. All this is what we need. As Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ says in his introduction,
‘When it comes to prayer, most of us need reassurance.’

At the same time, Pat trawls the world to find all sorts of things other people have said about prayer and he
is fully prepared to quote from them to help us in our friendship.
For example, Ruth Burrows wrote, ‘The deepest reason why so few of us are saints is because we will not let God love us.’

Let us look at some of the things Pat has to say about this.
In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus tells us that we must love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind.
This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: we should love our neighbour as our self.

Pat points out that Jesus is not talking about two loves, but three: love of God, love of our neighbor, and love of oneself.
It’s the last one that frequently gets left out. As Pat says, the three loves are only effective when they are inseparable.
If one is lacking, the other two fumble around.

How do we love ourselves? One way is to be grateful, that is to be thankful for our life, for our gifts, for our blessings in our life.
We want to be able to say that ‘My life is good news.’

Pat then tells about a Josephite sister who told him that as a child, when preparing for confirmation,
she became very distressed that everyone was expected to take the pledge not to drink alcohol before the age of 21.
Coming from an Italian family at the time, that was horrible; to live without wine.

She went to her grandmother for advice. The grandmother listened to her problem and said,
‘Darling, this is what you do. You stand with the other children, you say the words, and then you wink at God!’
What a wonderful image of God to live out of.

Pat in this book goes through about 36 chapters, each quite brief, but full of very helpful directions.
One section is called ‘Forgiveness and Love’. Jesus says on the cross, ‘Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.’

Archbishop Tutu was physically abused as a child and so was his mother.
He said he could never find peace until he gave forgiveness to the offender.
Pat quotes a prayer found in the body of a child at Ravensbruck concentration camp.
It begins: ‘O Lord, remember not only the men and women of good will, but also those of ill will.’

The prayer concludes with the line, ‘And when they come to judgment, let all the fruits we have borne be their forgiveness.’

There is so much suffering in the world at the moment, and Pat says, ‘Justice without love is legalism — the letter of the law rather than the spirit.’

Pat tells a story of a boy sent to a priest in a Jesuit school to be disciplined.
The priest did not quite agree with the attitude of the teacher who had sent the boy.
So he went to his desk, took out the cane, and said to the boy, ‘Put out your hand.’

The boy did and the priest placed the cane on the boy’s hand. The priest then said,
‘Give me back the cane and if anybody asks you what happened, you can tell them I gave you the cane.’

Faith without love is ideology. Hope without love is fanaticism.
Forgiveness without love is manipulation. Courage without love is recklessness. Generosity without love is self-indulgent extravagance.

This chapter is the longest one in the book, as love and forgiveness are so important for living with Jesus.

With love comes the need to find a way of praying. We have to ask ourselves when we pray why are we so easily distracted.
In some ways it is due to the fact that imagination flows so freely that it is very hard to rein in even when we are at prayer.
Pat deals with this issue so well.

He says; ‘To quote a former colleague of mine, Frank Wallace SJ, prayer is an encounter, not a performance.
It is all about God, not us. In fact, when we pray it could be appropriate to put a notice on our door: “Quiet, God at work.”’
I am sure [the book’s publisher] David Lovell could give a supply of such signs.

I really appreciated that section on focusing on prayer as, when it comes to distractions in prayer, I am an expert.

Pat also brings into his prayer program a number of other people, one being Our Lady, Mary the mother of our faith,
because she is the outstanding sign of what faith in Jesus’ Resurrection could mean to us.

She is so remarkable: from Luke’s account of the nativity, to the marriage feast of Cana, to the loss of the crucifixion,
to the resurrection where she so wanted him restored, and they became so close.

In prayer we are to walk with Jesus, but having Mary as company is something to be completely desired.

Pat retells a famous story of a train in France 130 years ago. An older man is saying his rosary,
and a younger science student comes into the compartment and tells him to stop wasting his time.
‘Science can explain everything and you can throw the rosary out the window.’

The older man asks, ‘Maybe you can explain it to me?’ As the conversation continued,
the younger student said, give me your address and I will send you the scientific information.

He then looked at the business card the man had given him: Louis Pasteur, Director, Scientific Research Institute Paris.

Pat talks a lot about people coming into our lives and people whose lives we too might accompany.
He does a wonderful reflection on Mary and Joseph, but I will leave you to follow up that one.

He then gives a good meditational reflection on Ignatius, who was quite different from the usual run of saints.
Ignatius is quite complex, could be both strict and flexible, which led others to have a particular type of grace.

So many contemporaries wrote about him as one who wanted to be free and at ease with himself and with others.
In short, devotion to Ignatius is an acquired taste, but certainly one worth cultivating.

Pat tells the story of a seminarian who made up an Aussie Rules football team consisting of his favourite saints.
Some of those included were Archangel Michael as a fierce centre half-back;
John Paul II on the flank, strong in defence; Dominic as an elusive half-forward flanker; and John Vianney in the back pocket.

At the end Pat asked the seminarian why Ignatius did not get a guernsey.
The seminarian gave a big smile and said, ‘Didn’t I tell you — he’s the coach.’

The book goes on to deal with a range of topics, all based in prayer — things like the early history of the church,
the Mass and the paschal mystery; then working with Jesus as the light of the world, the good shepherd, and the suffering of the cross.

Some Ignatian principles, such as discernment, reflection and the role of the examen, are all there.

Patrick O’Sullivan was born in Queensland and joined the Jesuits in 1951.
He taught at Riverview, and worked at university colleges, Newman in Melbourne, Thomas More in WA, and St Leo’s in Queensland.

He became rector of the scholastic community here at Campion where he had to put up with me.
Later he was provincial of the Australian Province of the Jesuits and then went to Rome to be secretary of the CLC organisation.

Later, he spent some time in East Africa as pastoral assistant to JRS, and then returned to Australia,
where he was for a while editor of Madonna magazine.
Since then he has continued to be a director of retreats and spiritual lives and was for quite a while spiritual director of the Corpus Christi Seminary in Melbourne.

It has been said that Pat is one of the finest spiritual directors we have ever had in the province.
The chapters in this book are short, straight to the point, and exceedingly helpful to those seeking aid with their prayer life.

I have been highly moved by this piece of work and now strongly recommend it to you as one of
the finest spiritual guidance texts you are ever likely to have experienced.

Now I thank David Lovell for publishing, and officially launch this book on friendship with Jesus in daily life.
I recommend to everyone that it become part of your daily lives too.

Vale, Fr Patrick O'Sullivan SJ

Please pray for Fr Patrick Neil O'Sullivan SJ, who died on Tuesday 31 May 2022 at Campion House, Kew, Victoria, aged 91 years.

Fr Patrick O’Sullivan was one of the finest spiritual directors the Australian Province has produced. His final book, I Call You Friends: Friendship with Jesus in Daily Life (2018), was described at its launch as “one of the finest spiritual guidance texts you are ever likely to have experienced”.

Born in Brisbane in 1931, Pat was educated at St Joseph’s College, Nudgee before moving south to reside at Newman College, Parkville and undertake an Arts degree at The University of Melbourne. After graduating, he entered the Jesuits in 1951 and went through the usual program of formation until his priestly ordination on 3 January 1962. In subsequent years he worked at three Jesuit Residential University Colleges: Newman in Melbourne, St Thomas More in Perth and, most notably, St Leo’s in Brisbane, where he began a doctorate in philosophy at The University of Queensland (granted in 1973).

Pat’s perceptiveness and rapport with young adults recommended him to be the superior of Jesuit scholastics at Campion College, Kew during a time of ferment. His fresh, imaginative approach served him well for his next role as Provincial (1973-78), when he became a torchbearer for the renewal of the Society of Jesus under Fr General Pedro Arrupe and in the aftermath of General Congregation 32. He encouraged Jesuits to experience the life of the poor and marginalised and promoted ministries that reached out to them.

Pat had great admiration for Servant of God Pedro Arrupe and was able to observe him at close quarters when he moved to the General Curia in Rome to direct the Christian Life Communities Secretariat (1979-86). After he returned to Australia in 1987, he continued to animate CLC for the remainder of his life. He edited the spiritual magazine Madonna for three years, became director of the retreat house at Campion in Melbourne, then tertian instructor for Jesuits in the final stage of their formation. Upon completing that role, he worked for some months at the Mwangaza Retreat Centre in Kenya (2006). Previously he had assisted Jesuit Refugee Service in 1995, when he served in Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia.

From 2007-13 Pat was spiritual director at Corpus Christi Seminary, Carlton, where he also resided. After moving to Campion House, Kew in 2014, he continued to serve as a spiritual father at the seminary and engage in the ministry of the Spiritual Exercises, which had been central to his life since 1989.

A master of the striking quote and bon mot, Pat made an enduring impact on Jesuits in formation, seminarians and CLC members in Australia and abroad. He endeared himself to all with his often mischievous sense of humour, his storytelling and his approachability, kindness and deep spirituality.

The funeral Mass for the late Fr Patrick O’Sullivan will be celebrated at the Immaculate Conception Church, Hawthorn, Victoria on Tuesday 14th June at 10:30 am.

The burial will take place at Melbourne General Cemetery on Thursday 16 June at 11:00 am.