Jesuit and Catholic Church - Clerical and Institutional Abuse Forum (Australia)

WARNING: Child Sex Abuse Content.

Jesuit Offenders Intro.
pj-stephenson-head2   P.J. Stephenson s.j.
Peter_Beer_sj_1969_02     Peter Beer s.j.
Noel_Bradford_1969_head2   Noel Bradford s.j.
willi_kovac_head   Willi Kovac
John_Byrne_head   John Byrne s.j.
Joseph_Craig_head   Joseph Craig s.j.
Richard_Galbraith_head   Richard Galbraith s.j.
Paul Schulze s.j.
Brenton Lewis s.j.
W_Marum W. "Bill" Marum
Eldon_Hogan_head_40px Eldon Hogan
T_Carter_head   Tim. Carter s.j.
Philip_Wallbridge_1976_04_head Philip. Wallbridge s.j.
G_M_larkin_sj_1975_headmin   G. (Mac) Larkin s.j.
Richard (Donal) Lane s.j.
H_Sneddon_head   Henry Sneddon s.j.
Brian Purcell s.j.
Stanislaus_Hogan_head2   Stan Hogan s.j.
Larry Kean
JR_Boylen_head3   J.R. Boylan s.j.
Michael O’Mahoney s.j.
Victor_Higgs_head2   Victor Higgs s.j.
Peter_Quin_head   Peter Quin s.j.
Celso_Romanin_head   Celso Romanin s.j.
Brian_OReilly_min Brian O'Reilly
Glen_Walls_headmin Glen Walls
Boarders Master A
Theo_Overberg_head2   Theo Overberg s.j.
Peter_Kelly_LL._B._1938_min   Peter Kelly s.j.
James McInerny s.j.
David Rankin s.j.
Patrick_O_Sullivan_head   Patrick O'Sullivan s.j.
Laurence_Leonard_SJ_1968_StPats Lawrence Leonard s.j.
Paul_McMahon   Paul McMahon
Leo_Flynn_40px   Leo Flynn SJ
Stephen_Hamra_60px   Stephen Hamra
Philip_Astley_headstone2   Philip Astley SJ
  Colin Fearon
  Kevin Carroll s.j.
Peter_Bohrsmann_head   Peter Bohrsmann
Bill_James_1969_headmin   W. "Bill" James

Walter_Logue_head   Walter Logue SJ
  Malcolm Joseph
E. Hogan- Xavier College Kew Australia

Alleged Sex Abuser

Eldon Hogan

Article in The Age newspaper. ♦ Xavier College under pressure to remove alleged abuser’s name from arts building June 2022

Eldon Hogan attended the school 1935 -1938
He was dux in 1938.
For many years he was an unpaid supernumerary assisting with sports coaching(Rugby), Gilbert and Sullivan operas as production manager assisting Father Montague and running the cadets including cadet camps.
He had an office in the Great Hall and has been described by former Jesuit Provincial Bill Uren SJ as a bit of a "pansie" who always had a coterie of boys around him.
Captain Eldon J. Hogan, Xavier Cadet Corps 1958

The Eldon Hogan Performing Sex Abuse Centre

But, like P.J. Stephenson, his name must be removed from that fancy building, and refuse any more donations from his Trust
Opened in 2008. Please contact Sam Nunan (Site Manager) on (03) 9854 5417 or email
The Xavier Foundation (2018 Annual Report Investments $24.39 million.) says: Eldon Hogan ensured that his lifelong loyalty and active participation in the life of the College (hmmmm..) continued not only in spirit, but be perpetuated by an extraordinarily generous benefaction of $4 million .
Through the Eldon Hogan Trust and fellow Old Xaverian, trustee Peter Walsh funds were directed to the construction of the Performing Arts Centre, a Scholarship Fund, an Archives Centre and Exhibition Gallery and many other projects.

The demise of Eldon Hogan.
At the annual Maytime Fair at Xavier College (about 1997) , Eldon Hogan was assisting in car parking.
One car could not be moved, so slid under the car to inspect it.
The car, for some reason, then began to roll, Eldon Hogan was caught underneath and died there from the injuries.

Eldon Hogan sexually assaulted a boy, his report to the Rector was not believed then the boy was expelled from the school and Eldon Hogan was quietly removed from contact with boys.
A new report about the esteemed Eldon Hogan, who's Trust gave $4 million for the building, says:
"Hogan was in charge of cadets and also coach of the Rugby 2nd team.
We trained at a ground opposite Scotch and half the team would pile into his car, an old 1930s Packard.
There would always be great effort to avoid sitting next to him in the front seat because at each gear change his hand would usually slip onto your balls.
He would always watch the boys in the showers and would always call out “so and so’s got a stiffy” if some poor kid had an erection.
On cadet camps he would always share his tent with his favourite boy."

1n 1962 he took a group of 60 boys on a Cadet bivouac near Portsea during the first term holidays.
He drugged one of them and sexually molested him which included fellatio.
The boy reported it to the Rector Fr. Paul Keenan SJ and was told he was a liar seeking to destroy a good mans name, and the boy was targeted and vlified within the school thereafter.

A concerned former student raised the Eldon Hogan question with Principal Chris McCabe in 2008 and in 2011 to Principal Chris Hayes.
Chris McCabe's response was:
"He (Chris McCabe) did agree that the sort of behaviour I detailed was totally inappropriate but those were different times.
He did ask if I had any contemporaries who could shed any light on the matters."

Nothing further was done.

These are the letters.
"After being with us for over 30 years ( 1935-1963) Eldon Hogan has gone.
His services to the school are too numerous to be recorded."
Thereafter he was prominent in the OXA.
Eldon Hogan's good buddy as students at Xavier, Peter Walsh should be asked what he knows about all this.
Peter Walsh is the trustee of Hogan's trust and a member of the Xavier Foundation Board.
Peter Walsh has handed out money for the Performing Arts Centre, renovating the Archives, numerous prizes and bursaries in Eldon Hogan's name and money for a boat with Eldon's name on it.
Eldon Hogan deeply embedded at Xavier College
Quiet revisionism going on?
In 2018 there were 5 awards with Eldon Hogan's name on them.
Watching the 2020 awards ceremony video there was only one mention Of Eldon Hogan, that was the Eldon Hogan Creative Writing prize.
Its unknown if this has happened at Burke Hall and Kostka as well.

15 annual students awards in 2018.
Eldon Hogan Award at the Xavier College Creative Arts Festival
Eldon Hogan Trust scholarships

July 2017
The Eldon Hogan Staff Study Awards The Eldon Hogan Trust, in conjunction with the Xavier Foundation,
is pleased to introduce a staff study award program for Xavier College Senior Campus Staff.
This program will provide up to four awards annually for the coming four years, with each award providing up to $7,000.
The awards are intended to encourage the professional development of the staff at the Senior Campus of Xavier College.

The Eldon Hogan/Peter Walsh Dinner for Global Young Leaders
On 24 May,2017 the Xavier College Foundation hosted the annual Eldon Hogan (OX 1938)/Peter Walsh (OX 1959) Global Young Leaders’ Dinner.
Current recipients of the Eldon Hogan Trust scholarships to attend the GYLC,
look forward to the journey they too will experience at the conference this year.
Through the Foundation, Mr Peter Walsh, Trustee of the Eldon Hogan Trust, has enabled many students to attend the GYLC over the years.

And -
Also Peter Walsh via Eldon's Trust financed the publication of these books.
Penrose, Helen (1999). Lifeline to India: a history of the Maytime Fair. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-9577067-0-7.
Penrose, Helen (1999). Red, black and khaki: cadets at Xavier College. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-9577067-2-3.
Available From The Eldon Hogan Trust, c/- 83 William St, Melbourne VIC 3186
Pertzel, Barbara (1999). The Sincere gift of himself: a biography of Eldon Hogan. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-9577067-4-X.
Walters, Fiona (1999). A better, gentler school: music at Xavier College. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-9577067-3-1.
Waterhouse, Catherine (2001). Xaverians on active service: from South Africa to Vietnam. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-9577067-5-8.
Henderson, Paul (2005). Xavier Behaviour. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-646-44662-2.
Murphy, Frank (2006). The vision splendid: a history of the Xavier Memorial Chapel. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-9577067-7-4.
More than a school : a history of St Patrick's College East Melbourne, 1854-1968 by Michael A Head
One soldier : a dramatisation by Leonie Hurry

Xavier Foundaton Special Thanks:
Your Foundation is grateful to the many people who have contributed to our results in 2018/19
Mr. Peter Walsh, who does so much for the Foundation as a director, generous personal supporter, and Trustee of the Eldon Hogan and several other major benefactor Trusts.
We appreciate Peter's counsel and advice.

Should the current students know this?
Any moral and ethical school would remove his name and refuse any more money via Peter Walsh from Hogan's Trust.
A concerned former student raised the Eldon Hogan question with Principal Chris McCabe in 2008 and 2011.
Chris McCabe's response was:
"He did agree that the sort of behaviour I detailed was totally inappropriate but those were different times.
He did ask if I had any contemporaries who could shed any light on the matters."
Nothing further was done.

Eldon Hogan's name has been on the alleged offenders list for a good while now, Principal Bill Doherty knows that, wouldn't you think that a Principal would be concerned that a sex abuser's name is so prominent in the school and investigate it?
To our knowledge, he has done nothing except ignore it.

Gerard Henderson , well known journalist and catholic defender, was in the same class as this former student, maybe Gerard can confirm Eldon's behaviour.