Jesuit and Catholic Church - Clerical and Institutional Abuse Forum (Australia)

WARNING: Child Sex Abuse Content.

SATIRE           Commentary here...

New currency set to revolutionize Child Sex Abuse compensation

Announced today by the Society of Jesus the "Jesus Penny" will become their method of compensation payments.
The Jesus Penny blends traditional physical currency with digital currency.
It is a physical object but its value is determined by online trading.
The coin is struck at a secure facility behind 130 Power St. Hawthorn, Vic.

During a mediation if the survivor is offered say 3 Jesus Pennies he can look up the value for that day.
A spokesperson for the Society of Jesus explained the simple beauty of this method saying that the survivor may cash them in immediately in the online market place or hold them as an investment that is very likely to increase in value over time.


This year's Golden Funnel Award goes to the well deserving Xavier College.
Led by the esteemed Willian Doherty.
Bill calls them "channels" these teflon coated water slides.
May the ribbons be with you and try to not get funnelled.....

Fr. John A. Perricone says about St. Peter’s Basilica Great Altar.:
When the eye of the visitor wanders further down beyond the baldachin,
it arrives at the resplendent Altar of the Chair, above it a heroic-sized bronze and gold throne
which seems to float in thin air.

Sealed within it is the actual chair of St. Peter from which
he ruled the primatial see of Rome. It is quite mystical in its aura,
bespeaking the supernatural authority of the Roman Catholic Church.

As the eye moves upward from the Chair, it sets itself upon the alabaster stained glass window of the Holy Spirit.
That window announces to the world the great privilege of the Roman Church to enjoy the guidance of
that Third Person, guaranteeing the privilege of infallible security in the Truth.

comment: hardly needs any.....

Xavier College Maytime Fair postponed to Saturday September 4, 2021
A welcome new initiative is the SURVIVORS OF SEX ABUSE (SOSA) SUPPORT BOOTH. (waiting on formal permission)

“Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”
Fr. Seamus O'Reilly SJ

Affordable and Efficient Spirituality for the modern world.
Ocean_Grove_IHS_01 Don't spend $300 per day for slow traditional Spirituality
The Ocean Grove Centre for Ignatian Spirituality is a new
initiative responding to the fast pace of this modern world.
In the specialised retreats here you will guided by an experienced teacher of
Express Spirituality.

Retreats offered now are:
  1. Humble Service & Deep Inner Peace Individual Silent Directed Ignatian Retreat - Duration 5 minutes. Cost $22.00
  2. Online Individually Guided Lenten Retreat - Duration 7 minutes. Cost $27.50
  3. Inner Peace in Divine Love Retreat - Duration 17 minutes. Cost $38.00
  4. Driving out your Demons immersive therapy. - Duration 66.6 minutes. Cost $66.6
    Note: Bring your own cilice, flagellation implement and pain medication.

Find Inner Peace, Love and God quickly by contemplating the mysteries of the culvert.
The Sacred Culvert has been the abode of hermit priest Fr. Seamus O'Reilly SJ for the last 20 years. He is never seen and never speaks.

The reason for this radical departure from traditional Ignatian Sprituality
is that the facts show that the traditional method has not worked very well.

All Jesuit priests have been through six years of formation and have done retreats and
learned about discernment and practice the daily Examen prayer.
All this is supposed to make them closer to god and men of pure heart.

Yet the evidence shows that nearly all of them will lie when necessary,
say things that are misleading and untrue and about 6% of them are child sex abusers.

The obvious conclusion is that if Ignatian Sprituality worked as promised
none of those bad behaviours would exist.

on this special St. Valentine's Day, 2021



Highly recommended was William Doherty, principal of Xavier College.. it was a close call.

Pope Francis the Slapper

That's gotta be one of the dirtiest looks I've ever seen. From the new year's eve video. Poor woman looking at
him asking "why did you slap me". Then Security Dude Number 2 grabs her hands and pushes them back over the barrier.
The video is here

Donald Trump managing the Apocalypse.
It takes two to tango.
January 2020 - Donald Trump is making a big effort to keep his christian evangelists onside.
A marriage of convenience.
A moral duplicity.
Forgive him for his sins, he's basically a good christian. Forgiving Trump the same way the catholic heirarchy forgive sex offending priests.
Who cares, we got our Judges on the Supreme Court, Jerusalem is the capital of Judea again, the Second Coming can happen anytime now.

Top row: Peter Gordon, Bill Uren SJ, Michael Kelly SJ, Kevin O'Shaughnessy, Peter Walsh, Michael Head SJ, Chris Gleeson SJ, Patrick O'Sullivan SJ, Shane Healey, Peter "Roly" Howard, Greg Craven.
Bottom row: Chris Middleton SJ, Andrew Hamilton SJ, Frank Brennan SJ, Tony Nunan, Tony Abbott, Simon Davies, xx, Brian McCoy SJ (Band Leader), William Doherty, Richard Leonard SJ, Paul Henderson, Dan Tehan, Jack Rush QC.

A simple 10 page guide.
Condensing all the lessons learnt from the catholic church over many years.
Easy to follow and put into practice.
Special page on how to get around all the new child protection protocols.

Along with the Dummies book Paedopoly is a brilliant way to keep your skills honed and have lots of fun.

North Sydney Parishioners Censored
The top image portion is used on the Jesuit website, the full uncensored image is below.

Lament: to express sadness and feeling sorry about something.
An excellent biblical type word not used nearly enough.
e.g. The Society of Jesus' response to sex abuse survivors is lamentable . (adjective: deserving severe criticism; very bad)

On 5 December 2017 parishioners at Our Lady of the Way Parish in North Sydney took part in a Liturgy of Lament for all those affected by institutional sexual abuse.
Lighting candles during the Liturgy of Lament

Led by parish priest Fr Andy Bullen SJ, the liturgy was very moving as we gathered to share the pain of our sisters and brothers who were abused spiritually, emotionally and physically.

We asked forgiveness for the abuse in the Church, any of its ministries in which we have been involved, or against anyone who has come under the Church’s care.

Prayers of Lament were read by parish representatives of ministries including Jesuits Daven Day and Michael Stoney. After each prayer, a candle was lit.
Music was provided throughout the service by Marist Br Tony Butler on the keyboard.

‘We lament the hurt and injuries inflicted upon abuse victims, survivors and their families’, went one particularly powerful prayer.
‘Together we repent of the hardness of heart and lack of pastoral love that added to their trauma and prolonged their suffering.’

The Liturgy of Lament is an adaptation of the ‘Liturgy of Lament and Repentance for Sexual Abuse of Children by Priests and Religious at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral in Dublin, February 2011’ and a ‘Prayer in Response to the Royal Commission Report’ by the Sisters of St Joseph.
The Liturgy was a local adaptation of one used in the recent Jesuit Gathering and Provincial Consultation.
by Emma Rossi, North Sydney parishioner

Retired Pope Benedict warns Francis against relaxing priestly celibacy rules
Francis and Benedict frisking each other for theological weapons
Retired Pope Benedict XVI has issued a defence of priestly celibacy in the Catholic Church as his successor considers easing a ban on married men serving as priests.
♦..BBC Story..♦