Jesuit and Catholic Church - Clerical and Institutional Abuse Forum (Australia)

WARNING: Child Sex Abuse Content.

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♦ What Is Sex Abuse ♦ Defamation
♦ Eldon Hogan Xavier College ♦ Celso Romanin Civil Suit
♦ Jack Rush Defamation ♦ Jesuits Deed of Release
♦ Marilyn Warren Victor Higgs Report ♦ Ridsdale Ballarat Diocese
♦ St Louis School Claremont ♦ Survivor Led Response
♦ Theodore Overberg Celebrates 50 Years ♦ Archives Closed to Survivors
♦ the George Pell saga ♦ Quotes & Statements
♦ Jesuit Charities ♦ Client Opinion - In Good Faith Foundation
About Child Sex Abuse - Xavier College Kew Sex Abuse
Celso Romanin s.j.         ♦ Celso Romanin s.j. Biography
Today (17 Dec. 2019) The Age is running a story on Celso Romanin s.j.
♦ Nightmare at Xavier College: New claims of abuse, ritual humiliation
"a statement of claim filed on "Albert's" behalf by law firm Ryan Carlisle Thomas in the Victorian Supreme Court in September"
Also in the story they say an investigation into Romanin was done in 2015, any findings from that, as with all "investigations" , are not publicly disclosed.

"A website dedicated to exposing alleged historic abuse at Xavier College also refers to students having their genitals drawn on by Father Romanin." (sounds like this website... thanks The Age).
The shocking sadistic abusive hell that was Burke Hall in the 1960's-1970's will eventually become public knowledge.

In response to The Age article Xavier College has sent out ♦a letter to its community. pdf is Here...
The most glaring lie from Bill Doherty and Chris Middleton s.j. is: "We are committed to owning our past..
Perhaps that's true, we own all the information about sex abuse and you can't have it.
The ONLY thing Xavier College and the Old Xaverians Association do to help sex abuse survivors is to financially assist ONE survivor.

If you have a compensation agreement which includes monies for a psychologist, when the money runs out, thats it, pay for your own therapy.
Therapy is often a lifetime necessity.