Jesuit and Catholic Church - Clerical and Institutional Abuse Forum (Australia)

WARNING: Child Sex Abuse Content.

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♦ What Is Sex Abuse ♦ Defamation
♦ Eldon Hogan Xavier College ♦ Celso Romanin Civil Suit
♦ Jack Rush Defamation ♦ Jesuits Deed of Release
♦ Marilyn Warren Victor Higgs Report ♦ Ridsdale Ballarat Diocese
♦ St Louis School Claremont ♦ Survivor Led Response
♦ Theodore Overberg Celebrates 50 Years ♦ Archives Closed to Survivors
♦ the George Pell saga ♦ Quotes & Statements
♦ Jesuit Charities ♦ Client Opinion - In Good Faith Foundation
About Child Sex Abuse - Xavier College Kew Sex Abuse
How to fudge, fiddle and abuse your charity status.

Jesuit_Charities_education_min enlarge

This new structure was created in 2018.
The reason behind it is so that the schools can be controlled by the Provincial and the Basic Religious Charity status of the Australian Province of the Society of Jesus being kept.
As a Basic Religious Charity (BRC) the Australian Province of the Society of Jesus cannot be involved in "advancing education",
but "The Society of Jesus in Victoria Ltd." is not a BRC and can be involved in education, because of clause "(f) to establish take over and conduct schools colleges seminaries training colleges or all kinds churches missions retreat houses" in the constitution.
Company created on December 15, 1941
Registered as a charity on 3 December 2012
subtype "Advancement of religion" 3 December 2012
subtype is "advancing religion" 1 January 2014

So it is acting outside its stated purpose and subtype but within its constitution.
In the 2018 re-structure they re-invented The Society of Jesus in Victoria Ltd. as the top controlling body for the Jesuit schools.

So, a charity set up to hold land titles is the top reporting/controlling body for all Jesuit schools.
This enables the provincial to control the schools and keep their financial records secret.

Name questions in the above diagram.
"Society of Jesus in Victoria" is the title holder for the land of Xavier College , 135 Barkers Rd. Kew.
Its Main activities are: 
Primary and secondary education
Advocacy and civic activities
Other - Publishing
Why is it holding a land title when they have "The Society of Jesus in Victoria Ltd." specifically created to hold land titles?

In the Xavier College Ltd. Constitution its very clear that the person at the top is the Provincial of the Australian Province of the
Society of Jesus.
This is outside its subtype of Basic Religious Charity ("advancing religion" only).
This should disqualify the Australian Province of the Society of Jesus from being a Basic Religious Charity

From the Xavier College Ltd. Constitution
8 (a)
the Provincial may at any time give to the Directors,
and the Directors must comply with,
guidance and direction in such matters as he deems
appropriate to ensure the Company has the character
of a Catholic school in the Jesuit tradition and to ensure
that all religious worship and instruction is carried on
in accordance with the doctrine, rites and practices
of the Catholic Church.

5.2 Permitted payments
(c) by way of reasonable and proper rent for premises
let by the Member to the Company;

Province means the Australian Province of the
Society of Jesus (ABN: 19 179 772 790).

Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 says:
45‑5 Object of this Division
(a) manage their affairs openly, accountably and transparently;
What this actually means is unclear. Discussion with the ACNC has not yet made it precise.
The idea is that for receiving government grants and Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status (tax-deductible donations) and not paying income tax a charity should act properly and be publicly accountable.

Reasons why the Australian Province of the Society of Jesus should lose their charity status.

Because they are not managing their affairs openly, accountably and transparently.
    That means to the Australian public from whom they receive a lot of money.
• They have not disclosed sex abuse reports they have received for the last two financial years.
• They are involved with furthering education going against their Basic Religious Charity status.
• They do not have a sex abuse Complaints Handling Policy.
• They will not give archives information to sex abuse survivors.
• They have not responded to an independant report that said:
"there was a serious pattern of deviant criminal behaviour being perpetrated across the Society"
It is "highly desirable" and "reasonably expected" that the Society of Jesus investigate the other 21 instances (Jesuits being moved) between 1968 and 1971.
• The Provincial will not answer reasonable questions from the public.[1]
• They will not confirm or deny historical sex abuse reports they know about.
• They will not disclose what they know about possible criminal behaviour in regards to a school principal not reporting sex abuse complaints.

[*1] Emails which were not replied to: ♦ SHOW ♦

3/10/2018 Email to Brian McCoy SJ. No reply was received.
A troubling denial by Peter Beer s.j.

Dear Father McCoy,
I find this very troubling.

Update 02 oct. 2018
Fr. Peter Beer s.j. Denies Improper Behaviour
Fr. Peter Beer s.j. resides and gives retreats at Canisius College, Pymble, Sydney.
He phoned me today after I left a message last week.
He did not recognize my name.
I said I was going to Sydney on Thursday and did he have time to meet for a chat.
He said he could meet today (Tuesday) but not Thursday because of his retreat.
I asked if he could spare an hour on Thursday he said no.

So then I asked him some pertinent questions, which I would have left if we were able to meet.
He remembers being at Xavier College in 1969 and teaching Religious Studies and Geography.

• He denied ever having boys in his room smoking and drinking beer.
• He denied ever groping a boy's genitals.
• He denied ever taking two boys out to dinner with wine and then to see the movie Romeo and Juliet.

He became very agitated and ended the call abruptly.
I have evidence that these three events are true.
Since he denied even the lesser transgressions I did not press him on much more serious events, knowing the answer would be a denial.
An interesting response. Immediate denial, no "I can't recall", "its so long ago", "I don't remember" etc.
His memory of his time at Xavier seemed quite clear.
And he immediately lied.
I should not be surprised I guess , that's what normally happens.
He is going on a retreat himself this week, I have a feeling it won't be a very peaceful one.
I believe he is an expert on guiding people towards Divine Love.

Peter Beer s.j.
At Xavier senior school 1969 only, he was a Scholastic at Burke Hall for 3 years 1957-1959.
Arrived from studying in USA and went back there for more study immediately after.
He would invite boys into his room after hours and give them beer and let them smoke cigarettes.
(FIVE ex-students have verified this)

One of my friends told me that Beer tried to grope his genitals.
(Direct report to myself at the time 1969)

True story:
(A letter one boy wrote to his father recounting this event in 1969 is in existence. The other boy clearly remembers the event)

Father Peter Beer takes two boys out to dinner on a Saturday night.
He is the Boarders’ Master at a Xavier College, the boys are boarders, age 17.
They drink good wine (claret) and smoke at a quality restaurant.
He then takes them to see the movie Romeo and Juliet (directed and co-written by Franco Zeffirelli, and stars Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey. 1968).
This movie at the time was quite scandalous because of the love scene between two young people.

So, you have to wonder what is the purpose of them all seeing a beautiful young man naked.
Sex is good and beautiful is the message from the movie, young love has a certain beautiful innocence.
This is all grooming of the boys by the priest, quite sophisticated grooming, elevating the boys to a more adult world, its very flattering to the boys.
Father Beer obviously had sexual intentions, its like a scientific experiment, you put all the elements together and see what reaction you get at the end.
On this occasion nothing sexual eventuated. That never deters a sex abuser, its all part of the process, sometimes you win, sometimes its just groundwork.

What do you think we can do about this?

24/20/20 No reply received.
Relatives and friends of Philip Wallbridge.
Dear Brian,
I know we have our differences but i think this issue is something you should address.
Philip Wallbridge's family and friends are still going through the pain and grief of his death.
Particularly Elizabeth and Terry Allom.

They are misdirecting their anger to me and blaming me largely for Philip taking his own life.
I have had emails and a phone conversation with them
I suggested to them that they contact you and get the full details of everything you know about Philip Wallbridge.
Because i think that information would help them to understand and come to terms with the truth.

I don't know if they did contact you.
They are experiencing a betrayal not dissimilar to what a sex abuse victim feels.

Terry and Elizabeth previously threatened me:
"The other thing you need to mindful of is Philip Wallbridge has some very high profile friends
in the legal sector and you might be finding some stuff gets thrown down at you like a grenade, buddy"
"you're bordering on the whole defamation and slander issue" "Pull the fucking thing down now"

And now it seems they and they and some others are planning to get someone to sue me.
for the purpose of financially destroying me.
This is what covering up the truth leads to.

They say that the multiple accounts of sex abuse from former students might be all fabricated.
You could tell them the unpleasant truth and they might believe you.
Some Old Xaverians are in this group who want to punish me for my perceived wrong.
One spoke to me on Saturday in a very threatening manner.

They need pastoral help that you could provide.
I am told that a close relative of Philip said that he took his own life because he didn't
want his family to suffer the shame of his behaviour becoming public and
to save them from the financial cost of defending himself in court.
(he was under police investigation)

They have got this all so wrong and need help.
I hope that you can help them.
mark prytz
tel: 0448 841 016
p.s I did also suggest they speak to Bill Uren, I don't know if they did.

11/3/2020 No reply received.
Copyright and defamation - mark prytz
Dear Father Brian,
I received a copy of the Breach of Copyright/Defamation letter to my website hosting company.
I have removed your logo and deleted the incorrect information about Fr. Daven Day SJ.
That was an unintentional error putting Msg. John Day's information under his name,
which would be obvious to you I am sure.
I am hoping that solves all the complaints about that website.

If you had communicated with me directly I would have done the same immediately.
That stands for my website as well.
If there is anything you consider potentially defamatory please say what it is
and I will look at it, and if it is likely to be defamatory I will delete it.
The same goes for anything at all, errors etc.

And for people like Bill Doherty who says "everything" I have said about him is "inaccurate".
If he can be specific and tell me what he objects to, and what the accurate version is,
I will look at it, and if he is correct I will edit it.

I am flying blind here most of the time because you, Bill Doherty, Tony Nunan and others won't
communicate with me about most of the questions raised.
viz. The Eldon Hogan question. Is it appropriate for a known sex abuser (I and his victims say he is) to have his
money and name deeply embedded in Xavier College?

Are you investigating this question? (even though its a school matter I believe).
Do you think its an appropriate response to call the police to remove me from the street outside Xavier College?
When and by whom were the pre-1980 Xavier archives about students destroyed?

Can you confirm Peter Beer SJ's severe physical abuse of boys at Burke Hall, since you were there in 1958?
Answering questions would greatly help to tidy up my website.
All the best,
mark prytz.
tel: 0448 841 016
p.s. my sister reminded me the other day that not only was my father at Xavier but also
my grand father and that both my mother and father left money to Jesuit Social Services in their wills.

Reasons why Xavier College Ltd. should lose their charity status.
• to come...........

ACNC Record keeping. Keep financial and operational records.
It has a policy about record-keeping that includes which records it keeps, how they are kept securely and who is responsible for doing so.
It has records that show all of its financial transactions. (that should include compensation payments)
• It has records that show charity activities.

About the Charities
Jesuit Education Australia (JEA) is the member of the entity that operates Xavier College.
In turn, the The Society of Jesus in Victoria Ltd. ,
( which is a legal entity of the Australian Province of the Society of Jesus ) [*1]
, is the member of JEA.
The Principal reports to the board of the school which in turn reports to the Province through its member, JEA.
JEA is also the entity that approves the appointment of a Principal, the annual budget, and the College’s strategic plan including its master plan. As with the appointment of directors,
JEA must seek the prior approval of the Provincial for each of these matters.
The Rector must be a member of the Society of Jesus and is appointed directly by the Provincial.


[*1] this is unclear.
The Members of The Society Of Jesus In Victoria Limited shall be :
(a) The Provincial
(b) The signatories of the Memorandum of Association and these Articles.
(c) such other persons... etc.

(b) The "Society" means a religious order which is named "The Society of Jesus" and the head of the society is called the Provincial.
(note: "The Society of Jesus" does not exist as a legal entity)

Xavier College Limited
ABN: 51621514172
Incorporated: Yes
The sole member of the Company is Jesuit Education Australia (Member).
Chairperson: Anthony Nunan
Directors: Christopher callinan, Michael Ryan SJ, Geraldine farrell, Gerard healy, Lilian topic, paul Quinn, Timothy Dring
Address For Service email:
Phone: 03 9815 4898
Charity Size: Large
Who the charity helps:
Children - aged 6 to under 15
Early childhood - aged under 6
Youth - 15 to under 25
General community in Australia
Date established: 2017

From the Constitution
4.4 Resolutions of single member company
For so long as the Company has a single member, that member may pass a resolution by recording it and signing the record. That record is to be taken as a minute of the passing of that resolution.

6.6 Powers and Duties of Directors
(iii) Provision of information: must provide the Member with all information, material and documents as the Member
may request from time to time and which may include minutes of Directors' meetings and of committee meetings,
accounts, proposed and confirmed budgets, statements of annual fees, statements of proposed changes of property,
new buildings, and major renovation and maintenance operations and statements of proposed major administrative, curriculum,
pastoral and religious changes.
Requests for information, material and documents may be contained within directives, policies, procedures and protocols
as determined by the Member from time to time and may be made on a standing on-going basis or as a one-off request;

(iv) Principal: are: (A)subject to the approval by the Member, responsible for the appointment and removal of the Principal;
(B)responsible for determining the terms and conditions of the employment of the Principal; and
(C)responsible for the management, performance and disciplining of the Principal.

8. Provincial (a) Subject to rule 8(b), the Provincial may at any time give to the Directors, and the Directors must comply with,
guidance and direction in such matters as he deems appropriate to ensure the Company has
the character of a Catholic school in the Jesuit tradition and to ensure that all religious worship and instruction
is carried on in accordance with the doctrine, rites and practices of the Catholic Church

Defined terms
Province means the Australian Province of the Society of Jesus (ABN: 19 179 772 790).
Provincial means the member of the Society of Jesus from time to time holding the office of Major Superior of the Province or,
in the case of absence or indisposition, the acting Provincial or,
in the event of the office of the Provincial being vacant at any time,
the member of the Society of Jesus for the time being performing the duties of Provincial.

Schedule 2. Requirements relating to certain decisions of Directors
the Directors must not dismiss any member of the Society of Jesus, including the Rector, from any appointment with the Companywithout the Provincial’s prior written approval.
♦ Xavier College Limited Constitution

The Society Of Jesus In Victoria Limited
ABN: 95004238948
Address: 130 Power St, Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia
Charity Size: Small
Who the charity helps: General community in Australia
Date established: 1941
Summary of activities
The Society of Jesus in Victoria activities helped to achieve is Religious Actives by holding title to real property in Australia on trust for the benefit of the Australian Jesuits.
Directors: Quyen Vu SJ, Christpher Horvath SJ, Desmond Dwyer.
(b) The "Society" means a religious order which is named "The Society of Jesus" and the head of the society is called the Provincial.
(note: "The Society of Jesus" does not exist as a legal entity)

The Members of the Society shall be :
(a) The Provincial
(b) The signatories of the Memorandum of Association and these Articles.
(c) such other persons... etc.

The Australian Province Of The Society Of Jesus
The Australian Province Of The Society Of Jesus is a Basic Religious Charity.
Sub type is Advancing Religion.
So it doesn’t have to provide annual financial statements to ACNC (Australian Charities and Not -for-Profits Commission).
Chairperson: Quyen Vu SJ
Directors: Christopher Horvat SJ, Robert Davoren SJ
Charity details
ABN: 19179772790
Address: 130 Power St, Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia
Address For Service email:
Charity Size: Large
Who the charity helps:
General community in Australia
Date established: 1949
Last reported: 19 June 2018
Next report due: 30 June 2019
Financial Year End: 31/12
Basic Religious Charity Status: Yes
Summary of activities
The society with our Ignation companions participated in the mission of the catholic church
through prayer , ritual and sacraments to build communities that demonstrate
the Jesuit core values of being welcoming, discerning and courageous.
Through the mission if the society we served others, especially those in greatest need of support.

Areas where The Australian Province Of The Society Of Jesus acts outside its Basic Religious Charity status:
1. The Provincial has full control of Xavier College through the company structures and directly through the Xavier College constitution.

2.The Province’s Bookends Project aims to raise awareness and prompt action right across the Province in support of First Nations peoples.
The Province’s Bookends Project aims to raise awareness and prompt action right across the Province in support of asylum seekers and refugees.
(Sub Type 6. Promoting reconciliation, mutual respect and tolerance between groups of individuals that are in Australia)

3. Flights for Forests, a Jesuit-run initiative which supports forestry programs across the Asia-Pacific region.
(Sub Type 10. Advancing the natural environment)
Their Basic Religious Charity status should be withdrawn.

Society Of Jesus In Victoria
Charity details
Also known as: Madonna Magazine, Jesuit Communications Australia, Eureka Street, Australian Catholics
ABN: 88447370208
Address: 20 The Vaucluse,Richmond VIC 3121, Australia
Phone: 0394219666
Charity Size: Large
Director: Brian McCoy SJ (possibly changed since Quyen Vu became provincial in 2021) Who the charity helps:
Adults - aged 65 and over,Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Adults - aged 25 to under 65. People at risk of homelessness/people experiencing homelessness. General community in Australia. Families. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or intersex persons. People with disabilities. Migrants, refugees or asylum seekers. Other charities. People in rural/regional/remote communities
Date established: 1990
Last reported: 8 August 2018
Next report due: 30 June 2019
Financial Year End: 31/12
Basic Religious Charity Status: Yes
Summary of activities
By promoting Jesus as a model for human behaviour we encourage humanity to respect each other and creation - our common home.

The Society of Jesus in Australia Limited
Charity details ABN: 21628088979
Address: 130 Power Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122. Australia
Address For Service email:
Charity Size: Information Unavailable
Date established: 2018
Next report due: 30 June 2019
Financial Year End: 31/12
No financial reporting required.
Where the charity operates. States: VIC, TAS, NSW, QLD, WA, SA, ACT, NT

The Xavier Foundation
They gave about $2 million to Xavier last financial year.
2018 Annual report says:
thanks extended to... Mr. Peter Walsh, Trustee, Eldon Hogan Trust (Eldon Hogan alleged child sex abuser at Xavier).
Eldon Hogan is a real poster boy for his trust giving so much money, $4 million for the performing arts centre.
They have $24.39 million. earning income.

"We have inherited beautiful buildings and wonderful sporting facilities so it is imperative that new
donors keep coming forward to support the generosity of those who have gone before them, thus
keeping alive Father Peter Brennan’s vision of making Xavier an ever better school and accessible to as
wide a cross-section of the community as possible” .
Graham Sharp (Former Staff member and Foundation Fellow).
(Graham Sharp, Latin teacher arrived at Xavier in 1968, he will not speak to me for some reason.
Fr. Peter Brennan was a small dark, strict and nasty man in charge of the cadets in 1966)
Foundation Office on (03) 9815 4542
Board Members photo. Backrow: Tony Nunan, Rose-Mary Cassin, Christopher Callinan, Peter Walsh, Bernadette Batten, Pat Cody, Paul Ferla Frontrow: Chris Hayes (Principal), Fr Chris Middleton SJ (Rector), Stephen Case, Peter Nankivell

Society Of Jesus Centres Of Ignatian Spirituality
Also known as:
Campion Centre of Ignatian Spirituality
Canisius Centre of Ignatian Spirituality
National Centre of Ignatian Spirituality
Loyola Centre of Ignatian Spirituality
Faber Centre of Ignatian Spirituality
Sevenhill Centre of Ignatian Spirituality
The First Spiritual Exercises
Peter Canisius House
ABN: 24671806567
Address: 102 Mona Vale Rd , Pymble NSW 2073. Australia
Address For Service email:
Charity Size: Large
Who the charity helps: General community in Australia
Date established: 2006
Last reported: 26 June 2018
Next report due: 30 June 2019
Basic Religious Charity Status: Yes
Summary of activities
Promulgation of the spiritual exercises of St Ignatius by retreats spiritual direction and provision of other catholic religious services.
Where the charity operates States: VIC, NSW, QLD, SA

Get Rid of Secrecy Provisions, Charity Regulator Says
ACNC assistant commissioner David Locke told Pro Bono News the current secrecy provisions were “not satisfactory”.
The act was reviewed in December 2017, seems nothing changed.
Get Rid of Secrecy Provisions, Charity Regulator Says

Jesuit Charities - 57 Current & 4 Revoked           Info from ♦
September 9, 2020. The Australian Province of the Society of Jesus has announced a new incorporated legal entity,
The Society of Jesus in Australia Limited (SOJA) to govern and provide strategic oversight of Province ministries.
Jesuit residential communities will continue as entities of the unincorporated association known as “The Australian Province of the Society of Jesus”
led by local community superiors in collaboration with the Provincial. ♦

24 below are Basic Religious Charities and don't report financials. 8 of those are Medium or Large (over $1 million income) size.
The income totals would be considerably larger if these were known. e.g. The Australian Province Of The Society Of Jesus, Society Of Jesus In Victoria are Large.
And unable to find financials for Saint Ignatius' College (Adelaide) Limited.
Then "The Society Of Jesus In Victoria" is small but is "holding title to real property in Australia on trust for the benefit of the Australian Jesuits."
Has no income but has assets of hundreds of millions of dollars you would think.
Strangely the Financial Report 2018 says Property, plant and equipment = $0 (must be an accounting thing).
See more Notes below
Charity Name ABN: Address: Basic
          Grand Total
  Grand Total
Australian Jesuit Foundation 24107869652 130 Power St Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia No Small
Australian Jesuit Mission Overseas Aid Fund
Also known as: Jesuit Mission
47915006050 42 Ridge St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia No
Large 1951 $9,211,292.00 93.22 $8,586,766.40
Jesuit and Ignatian Spirituality Australia Limited 91637748906 102 Mona Vale Rd Pymble NSW 2073 Australia Unavailable Unavailable 2019

Jesuit Australia Mission Fund 53645934239 130 Power St Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia
Small 1987 $13,040.00
Jesuit College of Spirituality 11973523604 Jesuit College Of Spirituality 175 Royal Parade Parkville VIC 3052 No Medium
Jesuit Community Hawthorn Catholic Church 54312188609 345 Burwood Rd Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia Yes Small 1868

Jesuit Community Mt Druitt 18918418601 254 Luxford Rd Whalan NSW 2770 Yes Small 1992

Jesuit Community North Sydney 72175383956 20 Mackenzie St Lavender Bay NSW 2060 Australia Yes Small 1890

Jesuit Community Park Drive.
Also known as: Society of Jesus Park Drive Community
75045975416 140 Park Dr Parkville VIC 3052 Australia Yes Small

Jesuit Community Richmond 25063680139 St Ignatius Church Richmond VIC 3121 Australia Yes Small 1866

Jesuit Community Saint Ignatius College Riverview 33564840238 Casa Loyola - Saint Ignatius' Community Riverview 4 Loyola Drive Lane Cove NSW 2066 Australia Yes Small 1879

Jesuit Community Saint Ignatius College Riverview 33564840238 Casa Loyola - Saint Ignatius' Community Riverview 4 Loyola Drive Lane Cove NSW 2066 Australia Yes Small 1879

Jesuit Community Xavier College 93253197624 12 Stanley St Kew VIC 3101 Australia Yes Medium

Jesuit Community Xavier College 93253197624 12 Stanley St Kew VIC 3101 Australia Yes Medium

Jesuit Education Australia Ltd 24620192136 130 Power St Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia No Medium 2017

Jesuit Fathers Athelstone 18347641419 St Ignatius College Athelstone SA 5076 Australia Yes Small 1950

Jesuit Fathers Of Toowong Voluntarily revoked 83819955465

Jesuit Northern Community 29421287656 U 1 22 Tipperary Ct Stuart Park NT 0820 Australia Yes Small 1985

Jesuit Refugee Service (Australia) Incorporated
Also known as: Jesuit Refugee Service
75692565034 24 Roslyn St Rushcutters Bay NSW 2011 Australia
Large 1991 $1,699,388.00 13.3 $226,018.60
Jesuit Seminary Association Charity registration is revoked, effective 31 December 2013 84221131557

Jesuit Social Services Limited 72005269554 326 Church Street Richmond VIC 3099 Australia
Large 1977 $30,383,734.00 73.38 $22,295,584.01
Jesuit Theological College
Also known as: Faber House
63220072037 Jesuit Theological College (faber House) 175 Royal Parade Parkville VIC 3052 Australia Yes Medium 1965

Also known as: Manresa Jesuit Community
86922833438 137 William St Norwood SA 5067 Australia Yes Small 1868

Manresa Society Inc.
17398312682 111c College Rd Sevenhill SA 5453 Australia
Large 1850 $2,947,301.00 2.33 $68,672.11
Newman Jesuit Community 27318798461 Newman College Parkville VIC 3052 Australia Yes Small 1917

Novitiate Of Australian Province Of The Society Of Jesus
Also known as: Loyola Novitiate
41023427450 19 Bach Ave Emerton NSW 2770 Australia Yes Small 2010

Novitiate Of Australian Province Of The Society Of Jesus.
Also known as: Loyola Novitiate
41023427450 19 Bach Ave Emerton NSW 2770 Australia Yes Small 2010

Riverview College Foundation 61002802164 C/- Saint Ignatius' College Tambourine Bay Road Lane Cove NSW 2066
Large 1985 $5,769,769.00 24.83 $1,432,633.64
Saint Ignatius College Foundation Incorporated 33338241064 St Ignatius College Athelstone SA 5076 Australia
Saint Ignatius' College (Adelaide) Limited 92626057716 2 Manresa Court Athelstone SA 5076 Australia No Large 2018

Saint Ignatius' College Riverview Limited 68621312990
Tambourine Bay Road Lane Cove NSW 2066 Australia No Large 2017 $65,961,918.00 14.63 $9,650,228.60
Saint Ignatius' College Riverview Limited 68621312990 Tambourine Bay Road Lane Cove NSW 2066 Australia
Large 2017 $65,961,918.00 14.63 $9,650,228.60
Society Of Jesus Centres Of Ignatian Spirituality
Also known as: Campion Centre of Ignatian Spirituality
Canisius Centre of Ignatian Spirituality
National Centre of Ignatian Spirituality
Loyola Centre of Ignatian Spirituality
Faber Centre of Ignatian Spirituality
Sevenhill Centre of Ignatian Spirituality
The First Spiritual Exercises
Peter Canisius House
24671806567 102 Mona Vale Rd Pymble NSW 2073 Australia Yes Large 2006

Society Of Jesus In Victoria.
Also known as: Madonna Magazine Jesuit Communications Australia Eureka Street Australian Catholics Jesuit Media
88447370208 20 The Vaucluse Richmond VIC 3121 Australia Yes Large 1990

St Aloysius College Community
12357811650 36 Jeffreys St Kirribilli NSW 2061 Australia Yes Medium 1902

St Aloysius College Inc 94869867439 Charity registration is voluntarily revoked Enforcement action against this charity Charity registration is revoked, effective 31 December 2014 Revoked

St Aloysius' College 46621313264 47 Upper Pitt St Kirribilli NSW 2061 Australia
Large 2017 $38,339,104.00 24.4 $9,354,741.38
St Aloysius' College
42425200857 Enforcement action against this charity Charity registration is revoked, effective 17 November 2017

St Ignatius Catholic Church Richmond 77326477809 326 Church Street Richmond VIC 3121 Australia Yes Medium 1866

St Ignatius College
69580351635 Enforcement action against this charity Charity registration is revoked, effective 1 July 2018 Revoked

St Ignatius Parish Norwood 46015796089 C/- 39 Wakefield Street Adelaide SA 5000 Australia Yes Medium 1859

St Ignatius Parish Norwood
46015796089 C/- 39 Wakefield Street Adelaide SA 5000 Yes Medium 1859

St Josephs Neutral Bay Jesuit Community Revoked 69155124504 Revoked Revoked

St. Aloysius' College Foundation Limited
99003794223 47 Upper Pitt St Kirribilli NSW 2061 Australia
Large 1989 $4,208,523.00
St. Ignatius College (Riverview) Parents & Friends Association
Australia No Medium 1959 $424,159.00
St. Ignatius College (Riverview) Parents & Friends Association
62611507265 Australia
Medium 1959 $424,159.00
The Australian Province Of The Society Of Jesus
19179772790 130 Power St Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia Yes Large 1949

The Society of Jesus in Australia Limited
21628088979 130 Power St Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia Unavailable Small 2018 0
The Society Of Jesus In Victoria 95004238948 130 Power St Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia No Small 1941

The Trustee For Australian Jesuit Foundation Ancillary Trust 71615878848 130 Power St Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia No Small 2004 $132,434.00 84.3 $111,641.86
The Trustee For Australian Jesuit Foundation Ancillary Trust
71615878848 130 Power St Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia No Small 2004 $132,434.00
The Trustees Of The Jesuit Fathers - St Ignatius College Riverview 54448559588 Enforcement action against this charity Charity registration is revoked, effective 1 December 2017 Revoked

The Trustees Of The Jesuit Fathers - St Ignatius College Riverview
54448559588 Enforcement action against this charity Charity registration is revoked, effective 1 December 2017 Revoked Unavailable

Trustees Of The Jesuit Fathers Roman Catholic Communities Lands Act NSW
80167682043 130 Power St Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia Yes Small 1950

Xavier College
51621514172 Xavier College Kew VIC 3101 Australia 2017 Large
$70,770,516.00 11.83 $8,372,152.04
Xavier College Foundation Benevolent Fund
61942522455 Xavier College Kew VIC 3101 Australia
Small 2018 $7,406.00
Xavier College Foundation Limited
Also known as: Xavier Foundation
52005403476 Xavier College Kew VIC 3101 Australia No Large 1977 $2,717,082.00 4.31 $117,106.23
Xavier College Foundation Limited Building Fund
60814757106 Xavier College Kew VIC 3101 Australia
Xavier College Ignatius Education Fund
Also known as: Xavier College Scholarship, Buraries and Prizes Fund
13248983008 Xavier College Kew VIC 3101 Australia No Medium 2006 $901,049.00 1.4 $12,614.69
Xavier College Ltd. 51621514172
Xavier College Kew VIC 3101 Australia No Large 2017 $70,770,516.00 11.83 $8,372,152.04
$373,719,057.00   Grand
Xavier College Ltd. replaced Xavier College Kew. on July 01, 2018.
  1. The main advantage about being a charity is that donations are tax deductible for the donor, this encourages donations.
  2. Being a registered charity lends credibility to the organisation.
  3. A charity is a not-for-profit, its annual net income should be close to zero.
  4. A charity is classified by its stated purpose.
    A Basic Religious Charity status means they are engaged in "furthering religion" only.
    A Basic Religious Charity does not have to submit an annual financial statement.
  5. There 24 Jesuit Basic Religious Charities in the list above.
    So, income for these 24 is unknown.
    The Society Of Jesus In Victoria Ltd. is at the top of the reporting structure for Xavier College and other Jesuit schools.
    The Jesuit Provincial has final say over the choice of a new school Principal.
    The Jesuit Provincial has power over what is taught at the schools.

    The Society Of Jesus In Victoria Ltd., as the top reporting enitity, is totally involved in the conduct and control of the schools.

    The annual report states:
    Short & Long-Term ObjectivesThe Society of Jesus in Victoria’s short & long-term objectives are to hold real property on trust for the exclusive benefit of the Australian Jesuits, thereby supporting the religious order's wider activities