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About Child Sex Abuse - Xavier College Kew Sex Abuse
Eldon Hogan     ♦ Eldon Hogan Biography
Eldon_Hogan_1958_mid Eldon_Hogan_gone_1963_400px
Captain Eldon J. Hogan
Xavier Cadet Corps. 1958

The Xaverian 1963. "has gone" is a very strange way of saying it.
After 30 years a brief good riddance, no flattery. They knew.

Eldon Hogan attended Xavier College 1935 -1938 He was dux in 1938.
For many years he was an unpaid supernumerary assisting with sports coaching(Rugby), Gilbert and Sullivan operas as production manager assisting Father Montague and running the cadets including cadet camps.
UPDATE: March 03, 2020.
Xavier College Principal Bill Doherty won't answer the Eldon Hogan question.
Tries to pass the buck to the Society of Jesus, the lawyers and the police.

Audio: This is most of the conversation with Bill Doherty.

Asked today (Tue. 3 March, 2020) if he would fully investigate Eldon Hogan, Bill Doherty would not answer the question.
Asked today if he would believe the survivor's story if the survivor phoned and told him, Bill Doherty would not answer the question.
I went to the Charles St. school gate today to give students information about Eldon Hogan.
All the students had been told to not take anything from anyone handing out information.

(generic police photo)
The school called the Police and four armed police arrived.
That's how serious they are about preventing information getting to the students.
There was quite a long discussion which went nowhere.
The Police then instructed me to move on as I was breaching the peace.
If I returned I could be charged with disobeying a lawful instruction.
Its getting pretty ordinary when they call the Police to prevent information getting to students.

The simple and true analysis of Bill Doherty's non-response is that if he believed the survivor and/or if he investigated and found the allegations to be true he would have to do the right thing and remove all connections to Eldon Hogan.
This cannot be allowed to happen, there is too much money and shame at stake.

Eldon Hogan sexually assaulted a boy, his report to the Rector was not believed then the boy was expelled from the school and Eldon Hogan was quietly removed from contact with boys.
A new report about the esteemed Eldon Hogan, who's Trust gave $4 million for the building (opened 2008), says:

"Hogan was in charge of cadets and also coach of the Rugby 2nd team.
We trained at a ground opposite Scotch and half the team would pile into his car, an old 1930s Packard.
There would always be great effort to avoid sitting next to him in the front seat because at each gear change his hand would usually slip onto your balls.
He would always watch the boys in the showers and would always call out "so and so's got a stiffy" if some poor kid had an erection.
On cadet camps he would always share his tent with his favourite boy."

1n 1962 he took a group of 60 boys on a Cadet bivouac near Portsea during the first term holidays.
He drugged one of them and sexually molested him which included fellatio.
The boy reported it to the Rector Fr. Paul Keenan SJ and was told he was a liar seeking to destroy a good mans name, and the boy was targeted and vlified within the school thereafter.
Finally the boy was expelled for some reason uknown.
And Hogan was quietly removed from contact with boys but stayed very involved in the Old Xaverians and the wider school community.

A concerned former student raised the Eldon Hogan question with Principal Chris McCabe in 2008 and in 2011 to Principal Chris Hayes.
Chris McCabe's response was:
"He (Chris McCabe) did agree that the sort of behaviour I detailed was totally inappropriate but those were different times.
He did ask if I had any contemporaries who could shed any light on the matters."

Nothing further was done.

These are the letters.

Bill Uren SJ , former Jesuit Provincial and former Rector of Newman College described Eldon Hogan as a "pansy" and "effeminate" who had a coterie of special boys around him.
The book opposite published 2 years after Eldon tragically died under a car at the Xavier Maytime Fair.

I would say that the Police exceeded their authority in instructing me to move on.
I would say I was not breaching the peace. SUMMARY OFFENCES ACT 1966 - SECT 6
Otherwise all those people in shopping strips handing out advertising flyers would also be breaching the peace.
So why did the police take the side of the school?

I also wonder if Doherty instructing students to not take flyers from anyone at the school gate (not on school grounds) is exceeding his authority. Censoring what the students may know. He says it is to protect them (from what?)
Also is instructing teaching staff to not talk to the media (the St. Kevin's story) a denial of human rights?

- The staff at Xavier College are under strict instructions not to talk about sex abuse.
- Bill Doherty and others are under strict instructions from the Society of Jesus lawyers to never say anything except the official line of "there are proper processes to do this".
- This is a lawyer designed "catch and kill" method. Bring it in on our terms, keep it quiet then kill it.
- There is a very strong effort being made to prevent information getting to students and parents.
- Bill Doherty said EVERYTHING I have said about him is incorrect.
But he won't say why or give his correct version. This is also lawyer driven, imho, he and others have been instructed to not engage in any written or verbal communication about sex abuse.
Follow the playbook, send everything downstream to Simon Davies.

Eldon Hogan's good buddy as students at Xavier, Peter Walsh should be asked what he knows about all this.

Peter Walsh is the trustee of Hogan's trust and a member of the Xavier Foundation Board.
Peter Walsh has handed out money for the Performing Arts Centre, renovating the Archives, numerous prizes and bursaries in Eldon Hogan's name and money for a boat with Eldon's name on it.
Also Peter Walsh via Eldon's Trust financed the publication of these books.
Penrose, Helen (1999). Lifeline to India: a history of the Maytime Fair. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-9577067-0-7.
Penrose, Helen (1999). Red, black and khaki: cadets at Xavier College. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-9577067-2-3.
Pertzel, Barbara (1999). The Sincere gift of himself: a biography of Eldon Hogan. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-9577067-4-X.
Walters, Fiona (1999). A better, gentler school: music at Xavier College. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-9577067-3-1.
Waterhouse, Catherine (2001). Xaverians on active service: from South Africa to Vietnam. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-9577067-5-8.
Henderson, Paul (2005). Xavier Behaviour. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-646-44662-2.
Murphy, Frank (2006). The vision splendid: a history of the Xavier Memorial Chapel. Eldon Hogan Trust. ISBN 0-9577067-7-4.

Should the current students know this?
Any moral and ethical school would remove his name and refuse any more money via Peter Walsh from Hogan's Trust.
Eldon Hogan's name has been on the alleged offenders list for a good while now, Principal Bill Doherty knows that, wouldn't you think that a Principal would be concerned that a sex abuser's name is so prominent in the school and investigate it?
To our knowledge, he has done nothing except ignore it.
I emailed Bill Doherty asking for his response, nothing yet.


Bill Doherty, Xavier Principal has said they are "committed to owning the past".
His 29 January 2020 Letter to Xavier Families does not mention former Rector Philip Wallbridge's death or alleged offences.

He says the media was "seeking to link" ... "potential matters" to the school. i.e. there might be no links and there might be no "matters".
"The College will not allow matters such as this to be ignored or not be actioned where any matter comes to light." - But you just did Bill!
"The College has been active in seeking proactive avenues to affirmatively address the care of Old Xaverians who may have suffered abuse during their time at the College and whose wellbeing has been potentially impaired as a result of their school experiences."
This goes back to when I challenged them with the statement at the school gate:
"What is Xavier College doing to help abuse survivors? NOTHING!.
If they are thinking of doing something they are not consulting with survivors.

Questions sent to Bill Doherty:
1. Destruction of Archives material pre-1980. When? Who by?
2. Eldon Hogan's name everywhere and his Trust money deeply embedded in the school. Is this moral?
3. Bill's knowledge of what was going on at St. Kevin's?
4. Lack of response to Philip Wallbridges's death.
5. The Warren report, if the Society of Jesus won't follow her recommendation to investigate more, will the school do it?

I emailed Tony Nunan, Chair of the Xavier College Board, with the Eldon Hogan questions
This is his response today, 11 March, 2020.
"Dear Mr Pritz.
I acknowledge receipt of your email dates 4th March 2020.
Your email has been forwarded to the Victorian Police as is required.
I note your statement that "it has nothing to do with a complaint, no survivor is making a claim or wanting to report to the the police"
Kind regards
Tony Nunan"

Are you doing anything else, Tony??
Tony Nunan has prviously said in a letter:
I agree with your statement "that the premise of the (Xavier) Board’s oversight and good governance of Xavier College includes matters of moral and ethical behaviour as well as legal."
Xavier College Board

The ultimate responsibility for the Eldon Hogan disgrace lies with the Xavier College Board.

They should dismiss Bill Doherty for putting the interests of the Society of Jesus above the good governance of the school.
Mr. Doherty is obeying instructions from Brian McCoy SJ and the Jesuit's lawyers on how to manage anything to do with sex abuse.

That instruction is to refer everything to Simon Davies (Jesuit Professional Standards) so he can handle it in their tried and true legal manner.
And to make absolutely no comment on any information or allegation.

This is done so allegations can be called "unproven" and the Society of Jesus can maintain their position that the alleged offender is not an offender.

eldon_hogan_centre_410px The $4 million Eldon Hogan Performing Arts Centre ,

Xavier College 2018 Prizes:
Eldon Hogan (Xavier College 1933 – 1938) was an exemplary student and a noted scholar.
His Trust contributes significantly to the creative life of the college, especially in the encouragement of boys as writers.

Peter Walsh supplied the money for Eldon's biography.
From The Xaverian 1958
"Shortly before camp, Mr. F. Reed, of the college teaching staff, offered his services to Capt. Hogan , and within a few days took his place in the unit as Lt. Reed.
As adjutant, Lt. Reed has already been able to relieve the O.C., Capt. Hogan , of much of the detailed administrative work, and has helped to raise the standard of dress and care of equipment in all platoons."

"Many thanks are due to our OC, Capt. Hogan , without whom much of our camp time would be wasted"

"My thanks to you for making it possible for them to appear in public, and would you be so kind as to convey my congratulations to Capt. Hogan and all members of the Guard of Honour on a very good performance."

Brian_McCoy_Altar_Server_BH_1958 Fr. Brian McCoy SJ, Jesuit Provincial until end of 2020.
Burke Hall Altar Server 1958.
Brian McCoy SJ was a student at Xavier College 1960-63.
He would have been in the Cadets because it was compulsory.
So he would have known Eldon Hogan and he was there when the student made the sex assault report that later on got Hogan removed from contact with boys.
Brian MCoy would have seen Eldon Hogan in the Great Hall where Hogan had his office and how Hogan had a special coterie of boys he groomed.

Brian was a smart kid these are his 1963 Year 11 Leaving exam results: McCoy, Brian Francis — Passed in English, Mathematics I. Mathematics II, Physics, Chemistry, Latin, Greek.
Gerard Henderson Burke Hall Under 13's football team 1958 Gerard Henderson , well known journalist and catholic defender, was in the same class as a victim of Eldon Hogan, maybe Gerard can confirm Eldon's behaviour.

♦ Conservative commentator Gerard Henderson dropped from ABC's Insiders program
♦ Gerard Henderson Defends P.J. Stephenson SJ

Fr. Geoff Schneider SJ ,(allegation of sex abuse) Headmaster at Burke Hall 1958

Peter_Beer_sj_1969_02 Mr. Peter Beer SJ (scholastic), physical abuser and later alleged sex abuser, was at Burke Hall 1957-59