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Opinion letter from IGFF client to Claire Leaney and others
Claire Leaney CEO
In Good Faith Foundation (IGFF)
Dear Ms Leaney,
I write, as a survivor of sexual abuse at Xavier College, to inform you that I wish to withdraw my support for IGFF.
I have now spent approx 6 months working (in good faith) with several different counsellors employed by your organisation,
in a genuine attempt to find a way forward with regard to the erasure of sexual assault (victims & survivors) by and within the Xavier community,
and I have found IGFF to be, not only, counter productive to my own recovery,
but also to be entrenched in a left wing, ideological, (quasi legal) ‘systemic’ political position with regard to the actual abuse I suffered.
I was sexually abused by Villie Kovac at Xavier College, over a number of months in a homosexual fashion described by the word ‘pederasty’.
Kovac showed me how the ‘Greeks used to do it’; using the non invasive method of climaxing through use of the thighs. He also performed oral sex with me.
The homosexual nature of this abuse stuck with me, and disturbed me, more than even the sex itself.
However, I have come to understand that IGFF and its councillors have an ideological (and perhaps ‘legal’) requirement to treat ‘pederasty’ as if its were merely another form of ‘pedophilia’.
Homosexuality, it seems, within the post modern Sociological paradigm is required to be treated in exactly the same way as heterosexuality.
The homosexual nature of the child abuse is erased and considered irrelevant.
Thus, there is really no true ‘counselling’ available to the victim of pederasty left in sexual confusion, and any form of de-grooming program may well be illegal.
Before the Plebiscite, Fr Middleton, the Spiritual Advisor at Xavier College, penned an influential essay on his support for Same Sex Marriage, and presently,
the school is developing a girls uniform to help a year twelve student who is transitioning, with the help of the entire Xavier community, from being a boy to being a girl.
Xavier College made its physical campus available for the making of the film ‘Playing the Man’ which ‘romanticises’ a Gay relationship between two students as a modern day Romeo & Juliet.
So it is clear to see, that Xavier is a Gay friendly environment, and supports the concept of homosexuality as a healthy and acceptable lifestyle along with SSM and children adopted or surrogate.
Both the school which enabled and accepted an extraordinary number of pederasts over a fifty year period, and the organisation it has employed to ‘support’ survivors,
consider the homosexual nature of the abuse to be irrelevant and/or ‘equal to’ ordinary heterosexual pedophilia - every single one of the Xavier abusers were homosexual - pederasts.
Of course progressive politics forbids the connection between homosexuality and pedophilia demanding that these are different forms of ‘sexuality’.
However, there can be no doubt that a ‘mono sexual’ community of priests ( such as the Jesuits are) practising a vow of celibacy -
might be a magnet to unstable homosexuals seeking affirmation in their lives. Xavier was such a community, and essentially, it seems, it remains so.
I recently applied to IGFF for a small amount of money to establish a BBQ run by survivors to raise money for the Jesuit Missions at the Maytime Fair.
My idea was simply to establish a ‘presence’ within the community on the one day when it actually all comes together.
IGFF refused this application outright - with no real reason given throughout two patronising, controlling and unpleasant conversations with your worker/counsellor.
Consequently, I gave up any idea of attending the Maytime Fair, although, I thought afterwards that I could have raised quite a bit of money during that weekend -
and targeted it to the ‘Unknown’ victims of sexual abuse in Jesuit Missions all over the world.
Certainly, it was the habit of many Catholic and other Christian denominations, to send priests and lay teachers accused of pederasty - off to the Missions.
I saw several examples of this in isolated Aboriginal communities, and have no doubt that there would be victims of such sexual predators in Jesuit missions as well.
Australia had Donald Friend in Indonesia, I wonder what happened in India ?
You will note that Xavier College called the police to the Maytime Fair to remove some of the other survivors who had set up an information stall without permission.
This embarrassment could have been avoided if IGFF had been doing its job in representing survivors -
rather than representing Xavier College - who after all, was the body paying IGFF’s wages.
Perhaps this is a case of …‘he who pays the piper, calls the tune’ ? It has been mooted that it may have been IGFF who alerted the police ?
I note that all your IGFF councillors are young women. Personally, as a victim of pederasty -
homosexual child abuse, I would have great difficulty talking to any woman about what is essentially ‘men’s business’ -
particularly the sexual confusion I suffered for years after the abuse (without the benefit of any counselling whatsoever).
I find this doubly difficult if all the counsellors are versed in the ideological correctness demanded these days in all the university Sociology departments in the country
( and throughout Europe - Germany).
Most of the counsellors employed in IGFF would have trouble defining what the word ‘woman’ means now, and certainly would fully support,
not only Same Sex marriage, but also the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, Gay adoptions, Critical Gender Theory,
and the enabling of gender transition (even without parental permission) for children of a tender age.
I support none of this, and would find it impossible to talk sensibly to any professional councillor or social worker, or psychologist, or psychiatrist, or doctor - who did.
That the Gay community also masks and camouflages pederasts, is as provable and true, as the fact that the celibate priesthood attracts (and masks) homosexuals.
The fact that the Jesuits are an Intellectual/Teaching order only compounds the problem. Pederasty,
is considered by many homosexuals as an honourable Ancient Greek ritual which should be legalised (Ref Greg Dowsett Latrobe Uni developer of the ‘Safe Schools Program’)
So, finally, I consider that IGFF is in fact, not acting ‘In Good Faith’ at all.
I see that when it comes down to a choice, IGFF sides with the school rather than the survivors,
even when the survivors are threatened with police eviction.
I see that IGFF supports the very ‘Gay Liberation’ narrative which has and is producing gender confusion throughout the western world -
to the point of enabling further child abuse by facilitating young men and women into procedures which will affect them for the rest of their lives.
Psychiatry is not an exact science - it is a moveable feast and may yet be the handmaiden of evil.
I want nothing to do with such ill considered, scholarly unsupportable, statistically flawed, medically unadvised, and nasty sociological experimentation.
This is not a counselling service - it is a grooming service, in the employ of a Catholic Boy’s School -
which is and has been an incubator of child abuse (on many fronts) over many decades.
Yours sincerely
Patrick McCauley
Cc - The Provincial of the Society of Jesus
- Xavier Survivors of Sexual Abuse Facebook page
- Keith Windschuttle; editor ‘Quadrant’
- Roger Franklin; Editor Online Quadrant.
- Angela Shanahan; The Australian
- Chris Mitchell; The Australian
- Chris Kenny; Sky News
- The Principle; Xavier College