Jesuit and Catholic Church - Clerical and Institutional Abuse Forum (Australia)

WARNING: Child Sex Abuse Content.

more Info pages...
♦ What Is Sex Abuse ♦ Defamation
♦ Eldon Hogan Xavier College ♦ Celso Romanin Civil Suit
♦ Jack Rush Defamation ♦ Jesuits Deed of Release
♦ Marilyn Warren Victor Higgs Report ♦ Ridsdale Ballarat Diocese
♦ St Louis School Claremont ♦ Survivor Led Response
♦ Theodore Overberg Celebrates 50 Years ♦ Archives Closed to Survivors
♦ the George Pell saga ♦ Quotes & Statements
♦ Jesuit Charities ♦ Client Opinion - In Good Faith Foundation
Theodore Overberg SJ celebrates 50 years of getting away with it     ♦ Theo_Overberg s.j. Biography
Those were the good old days.
In October 2020 Theo has been charged with Indecent Assault of a Riverview students by NSW police.
In 2023 he was found guilty on 3 counts.
Sentencing is on October 30, 2023.

Theo Overberg sj Sex offender Rome
Fr. Theodore Overberg s.j. celebrates 50 years of getting away with Child Sex Abuse in the Society of Jesus

" The entire Jesuit Curia in Rome gathered yesterday in the domestic Chapel of the Annunciation to thank God for the gift of Fr. Theo for his great contribution to Society of Jesus for the past 50 years." (08-Feb-2015)
Theo Overberg s.j. was the Boarders' Master at St. Ignatius College, Riverview , Sydney in the 1970's. where he had boys strip naked, lie face down on his bed, and hit them on the arse with his strap.
Three boys (so far) clearly remember this event
Their crime was talking after lights out in the dormitory.
The convicted Victor Higgs was at Riverview at the same time.
Ancita Mendez D'Cunha of the Australian Province Office sent congratulations: "Best wishes to Fr Theo from the Provincial office in Australia! "
See ♦ Other Jesuit Sex Offenders
Ahhh.. the good old days at the Jesuit Curia , Rome.
Winners are grinners. Pope Francis having dinner at Jesuit Curia, Rome.
The Pope's latest analysis - This sex abuse thing is all just a "drama"

Roaming Free
There are currently at least FOUR Child Sex Abusers who were Jesuit priests at Xavier College walking around free and untroubled because the Jesuits won't do anything about them.
Some may be under police investigation.
Theo Overberg s.j. and Peter Beer s.j. & Celso Romanin s.j. also Noel Bradford and possibly Richard Galbraith is still living.

How many sex abuse reports to the Police have not been investigated?
The Society of Jesus is legally able to keep details of sex abuse information secret. The Jesuits will not investigate their own priests.
And influential Catholics will not demand the release of sex abuse files.
And influential Catholics will not demand the cover-ups be investigated (Higgs is the only exception).