Jesuit and Catholic Church - Clerical and Institutional Abuse Forum (Australia)

WARNING: Child Sex Abuse Content.

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About Child Sex Abuse - Xavier College Kew Sex Abuse
Archives Closed to Survivors

UPDATE: April 2022.
A request to the Xavier archives for staff names for certain years was approved and received.
Not sure if this is a change of policy or an exception.

From the archives being supposedly completely open and "there are no secrets" (Simon Davies),
Fr. Brian McCoy SJ changed that and said they are a "private resource".

June 20, 2019. Been waiting 2 weeks for a yes or no about staff names I want.
The Archives question is getting more and more confused.
I also asked Riverview for some staff names from 1970's, and Paul Hine , the Principal, said they don't have that information, which I find quite unbelievable, and he forwarded my request to the Provincial, Brian McCoy.

It looks like , as with abuse complaints, archives information requests from ALL archives in the country are being funnelled to the Provincial.
Who gets what or who gets nothing is up to him.

But we don't know because Brian McCoy won't answer the question!!
The Archives Policy itself must also be a secret !!........