Jesuit and Catholic Church - Clerical and Institutional Abuse Forum (Australia)

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Jack Rush QC and defamation threat
Some people are not happy about this website.
From what is below you can join the dots........

First there were threats of defamation about Philip Wallbridge, then breach of copyright and defamation claims about another of my websites, now Old Xaverian and former Supreme Court Justice Jack Rush QC is threatening defamation about the ♦ Survivor Led Response story.
He could have just phoned me of course, I knew Jack slightly at Xavier College.
♦ Here is the Letter of Concern from Peter Gordon Legal (it's personal)

He and his lawyers have badly misinterpreted what the image and words actually said.

Jack Rush

The test of whether a communication is defamatory is:
"Does the communication lower/harm the plaintiff's reputation,
hold the plaintiff up to ridicule, or lead others to shun and avoid the plaintiff?"
This is judged from the viewpoint of "ordinary reasonable people in the community in general" and in light of contemporary standards.

It is now publicly known that Mr. Rush acted for the Society of Jesus against a sex abuse survivor.
And now he is threatening to sue a sex abuse survivor (me) for saying/illustrating something I didn't say or illustrate.

I have made some edits so that no one could possibly misinterpret what is there even if they were deliberately trying.

Its all about money, power and reputation.
The abuse of power goes on.

Philip Wallbridge Alumnus Xavier College
Jack Rush QC Alumnus Xavier College
Peter Gordon Alumnus St. John's College Braybrook
Peter Brown

I have also asked Fr. Brian McCoy SJ to inform me of anything that is inaccurate and received no reply.
The problem is that, until a while ago, the Jesuits had the sex abuse problem well under control.

Everything was done quietly and the parents and students knew almost nothing of what had happened and what is still going on.
The truth becoming public worries them a lot.
So they are doing everything they can to keep the true story becoming public knowledge.

But if you look at what they have threatened me about, its incredibly minor compared to the horrific stories of abuse and abusers and the cover-ups, that the Jesuit's have never complained about or challenged.
Any pro-bono lawyers out there?


From Xavier College 1967 Matriculation (Year 12) exam results.
Rush, J. — Passed in English, Modern History, American History, Social Studies, Economics, Biblical Studies.
1968: Rush, J. — Second Class Honours in Social Studies; passed in Australian History.

1968: Year 11.
Forrest, J. — Passed in English, Mathematics I, French, Modern History, Social Studies, Economics.
Jack Forrest. Vic. Supreme Court Justice.

1968: Year 10.
Riordan, Peter - Passed in religious Knowledge, Biblical Studies, French, Latin, Maths A, Maths B, Science, Comparative History.
Vic. Supreme Court Justice.

Forrest, Terry — Passed in Religious Knowledge, French, Mathematics A, Mathematics B, Science.
Vic. Supreme Court Justice.

Xavier College 1967 Matriculation (Year 12) exam results.
Corrigan, Michael J. —Second Class Honours in Latin, Second Class Honours in Greek, Second Class Honours in Calculus and Applied Mathematics; passed in English Expression, Pure Mathematics.
Very, very smart kid. Lawyer

Pirrie, R. — Passed in English, Social Studies, Economics, Biblical Studies.
Richard Pirrie. Barrister.

From Xavier College 1961 Matriculation (Year 12) exam results.
Brushfield, Brian — Passed in English Literature and Modern History.
That's a fail too.

Peter Landy - AFL Football commentator and media person.
Landy, Peter — Passed in English Literature.
That's a fail too.

Wallbridge, Philip — Passed in English Expression.
That's a fail too.

Ellis, Brendan — Passed in French, Modern History and Social Studies.
Another fail.
Future Xavier College Head of School who mishandled 3 student sex abuse cases in 1997.

Knowles, Thomas — First Class Honours in General Mathematics and Chemistry; Second Class Honours in Latin, Greek and Physics; Passed in English Expression.
Excellent pass Tom, Dux of the school in 1961 and 1962, he became a catholic priest.
Father Thomas Knowles, sexually targeted a vulnerable 19-year-old woman (Jennifer) who was suffering from a physical disability - and he entangled her in a secret sexual relationship for next 14 years.

1961 Leaving (Year 11)
Buxton, Michael R. — Passed in English, Mathematics A and Economics.
That's a fail. Now a property developer.

Molomby, Thomas O'M. — Passed in English, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Chemistry, French, Latin and Greek.
Very smart kid. Lawyer.

1961 Intermediate (Year 10)
Henderson, Gerard J. — Passed in English Expression, Mathematics A, Arithmetic, General Science A, English Literature, French, Latin, History of Australia and the Pacific.
Journalist, media person.

Sierakowski, Brian C. — Passed in Arithmetic, General Science A and English Literature.
AFL footballer and lawyer.

1963 Leaving (Year 11)
McCoy, Brian Francis — Passed in English, Mathematics I. Mathematics II, Physics, Chemistry, Latin, Greek.
Excellent Brian, a smart kid.
Brian is the current Jesuit Provincial (2014-2020)

The way it was in the 1960's at Xavier College is that if you were a smart kid in the "A" class you took all the hardest subjects.
Brian McCoy's list in Year 11 is a good example.
Year 12 was usually 5 subjects, sometimes 6, you had to pass 4 subjects to get your Matriculation.
Calculus and Applied Mathematics, Pure Maths, Physics, Chemistry and English were the staple for the "A" class students.
e.g. My Year 11 results:
Prytz, M.— Passed in English, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Physics, Chemistry, Latin.

THE APOLOGY to Mr. Jack Rush KC -    

"On or about the 17th February 2020 I published on this website a commentary concerning a mediation held in August 2016 between a person claiming damages against the Society of Jesus for historical sexual abuse alleged to have occurred while the person was a student at St Ignatius College, Riverview, New South Wales.

In that commentary I stated that Mr Jack Rush QC was the independent mediator. I further stated Mr Rush, an Old Xaverian, was biased towards the Society of Jesus. This comment is factually incorrect. Mr Rush was not the mediator in this matter; he represented the Society of Jesus. The matter resolved at mediation. I accept that this factually incorrect statement concerning Mr Rush unfairly and unjustifiably impacts on his professional reputation and I regret and apologise for any hurt and distress caused as a consequence.

Further in my commentary I questioned whether Mr Rush held feelings or compassion for victims of sexual abuse. My questioning of Mr Rush’s feelings and compassion for victims of sexual abuse was without any proper foundation. I recognise and accept that over many years Mr Rush has acted for and supported victims of sexual abuse across Australia. I regret and apologise for the hurt and distress caused to Mr Rush by my comments."

(written by lawyer for Jack Rush QC, Peter Gordon said I have to put here for 3 weeks.)


Philip Wallbridge (dec.) - Old Xaverian and former priest and rector of Xavier College. Known sex abuser of students. Ran the AFL’s SportsReady program for more than a decade.

Elizabeth Allom - step-daughter of Philip Wallbridge.

Terry Allom - step-son of Philip Wallbridge.

Jack Rush QC - Old Xaverian. President of the AFL St. Kilda football club.

Peter Gordon - St. John's College Braybrook. Lawyer. President of the AFL Western Bulldogs football club. Friend of Jack Rush.

Tony Hargreaves - Lawyer. Instructed Jack Rush QC in the AFL Essendon FC drugs scandal.

Peter Brown - Lawyer (Tony Hargreaves and Partners). The Jesuit's lawyer of choice.

Brian Brushfield - Old Xaverian. Geelong area AFL football identity.
And others unknown.....

Brian Brushfield, Philip Wallbridge and Peter Landy were all in the same year (1958-1961) at Xavier College.

Terry Allom said to me on the phone about the Philip Wallbridge information page:
"The other thing you need to mindful of is Philip Wallbridge has some very high profile friends in the legal sector and you might be finding some stuff gets thrown down at you like a grenade, buddy"
"you're bordering on the whole defamation and slander issue"
"Pull the fucking thing down now"

"save your money, you're going to need it".
Brian Brushfield.

Three others who are aspiring to League football are Des Steele with Collingwood, Brian Brushfield with Geelong and Peter Johnston with St. Kilda. (The Xaverian 1962)

Brian Brushfield Xavier College 1958 Under 15A football team, unfortunately sitting next to the coach, alleged sex abuser Fr. Peter Quin SJ.


"Peter Gordon is one of Australia’s most prominent class action lawyers.
He has an unrivalled record of fighting for justice for working people , and has conducted many history-making class action cases, as well as a large number of individual actions.

He established Gordon Legal to provide an unprecedented legal service to those who need it most. Peter is also the President of the Western Bulldogs, which reflects his commitment to the community, his love of football and his desire to champion the underdog."

Gordon Legal - Institutional Abuse Claims
"To speak with one of our friendly and compassionate legal professionals....
There is no amount of compensation that can ever undo the suffering and trauma caused by abuse.
It is an incredibly courageous act for survivors to step forward and tell their story.
We stand with survivors and understand that this is an area of the law that is sensitive and calls for compassion and understanding."

Disturbing picture painted of AFL boys’ club that rules the game

All of us, like Demetriou, like McLachlan, like countless administrators, managers, journalists and key stakeholders,
at some point played in the Victorian Amateur Football Association.
“If you’ve been an Old Xav, or played with Uni Blues, you’re qualified for a job with the AFL,” Demetriou joked to Caroline Wilson back in 2012.

At the turn of the century (2000), the dominant club was Old Xaverians.
They were well run, resourced, coached and connected.
In long sleeves in the back pocket was Andrew Dillon, now the AFL’s general counsel.
At full forward was Dan Richardson, now the head of umpiring. He replaced Grant Williams, who coached McLachlan at Uni Blues.
In the middle was Simon Lethlean, a sumptuous kick who later became the AFL’s head of football operations.
At centre half back was Craig Kelly, on his last legs as a footballer, but already one of the most influential men in the game.