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Front Page Archives 6 (June 2023)

The Eldon Hogan Performing Arts Centre is known as "the Paedophile's Palace" by Xavier College staff
♦ Eldon Hogan Biography
♦ Eldon Hogan Biography
Other places where Eldon's money has gone.

The Players

Peter Walsh Trustee of the Eldon Hogan Trust and Board member of the Xavier Foundation
Peter hands out the money.
A good friend of Eldon Hogan when both students at Xavier College.
A good friend of Eldon Hogan when both students at Xavier College.

William Doherty current Xavier Principal
March 03, 2020 at the Xavier College Charles St. gate. 54 minutes.
March 03, 2020
Bill would not talk about Eldon, he said there are "channels" for sex abuse complaints.
It was stressed that this was not a sex abuse complaint it was a moral question for the school.
He still refused to talk about Eldon Hogan's money.
Then he got the police to remove the man asking these questions.
Bill would not talk about Eldon, he said there are "channels" for sex abuse complaints.
It was stressed that this was not a sex abuse complaint it was a moral question for the school.
He still refused to talk about Eldon Hogan's money.
Then he got the police to remove the man asking these questions.
Conversation with Bill Doherty, a Xavier teacher and the police about Eldon Hogan's money.
March 03, 2020 at the Xavier College Charles St. gate. 54 minutes.

Tony Nunan Chair of the Xavier College Ltd. Board
Tony Nunan emails:
March 04, 2020
Tony was advised of Eldon's sex abuse of students and asked how he can justify accepting money from Eldon's trust.
His reply was to say he sent the information to the police and did not address the question at all.
Previously he had said that he agrees the Board is responsible for the moral and ethical governance of the school.
Tony was advised of Eldon's sex abuse of students and asked how he can justify accepting money from Eldon's trust.
His reply was to say he sent the information to the police and did not address the question at all.
Previously he had said that he agrees the Board is responsible for the moral and ethical governance of the school.
Tony Nunan emails:
From: markp
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 13:20
To: tony.nunan@xavier.vic.edu.au
Subject: Serious concerns about Eldon Hogan and Xavier College
Show more ... Less
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 13:20
To: tony.nunan@xavier.vic.edu.au
Subject: Serious concerns about Eldon Hogan and Xavier College

Hello Mr. Nunan,
We have recently received more reports of Eldon Hogan's sexual abuse of boys at Xavier College (see below).
There is now absolutely no doubt that he was a sex abuser.
This, of course, raises the serious question of his name and money being deeply embedded in Xavier College.
I am saying his name must be removed and and the school should not accept any more money from his trust.
I have tried to get Bill Doherty to express an opinion on this and he won't.
Bill Doherty is deliberately avoiding the moral question and trying to say it is a legal question
that should be handled by the Jesuit's complaints process.
It has nothing to do with a complaint, no survivor is making a claim or wanting to report to the police.
Bill Doherty refused to say if he would believe the survivor if the survivor told him his story.
This is the headline:
Xavier College Principal Bill Doherty denies a principal donor of money is a sex abuser.
(section edited for brevity)
This is a simple moral question for the school.
It does not involve the Society of Jesus (except for information they hold).
Is it acceptable for Xavier College to take large amounts of money from a sex abuser's Trust?
(and to give out prizes in his name, publish books, and have his name on buildings)
Its that simple.
Mark Prytz
On 11/3/20 11:26 AM, Tony Nunan wrote:
"Dear Mr Pritz.(sic)
I acknowledge receipt of your email dates 4th March 2020.
Your email has been forwarded to the Victorian Police as is required.
I note your statement that “it has nothing to do with a complaint, no survivor is making a claim or wanting to report to the the police”
Kind regards
Tony Nunan"
Thank you Mr. Nunan,
But you don't say if you will look into the matter.
Apart from the reports we have received you could also ask Brian McCoy SJ if he knows anything.
Brian was a student at Xavier 1960-63 when the sex assault report was made.
He would have known Eldon Hogan.
Is there anything in the Jesuit archives, Rector Paul Keenan etc.?
Peter Walsh would know something.
My own opinion is that this has been a cover up since 1962.
And a number of people over the ensuing years have known all about it.
More particularly what about the queries to the Principals in 2008 and 2011 and nothing was done.
More will come to light I am sure.
You need to grasp the nettle on this.
Mark Prytz
tel: 0448 841 016
We have recently received more reports of Eldon Hogan's sexual abuse of boys at Xavier College (see below).
There is now absolutely no doubt that he was a sex abuser.
This, of course, raises the serious question of his name and money being deeply embedded in Xavier College.
I am saying his name must be removed and and the school should not accept any more money from his trust.
I have tried to get Bill Doherty to express an opinion on this and he won't.
Bill Doherty is deliberately avoiding the moral question and trying to say it is a legal question
that should be handled by the Jesuit's complaints process.
It has nothing to do with a complaint, no survivor is making a claim or wanting to report to the police.
Bill Doherty refused to say if he would believe the survivor if the survivor told him his story.
This is the headline:
Xavier College Principal Bill Doherty denies a principal donor of money is a sex abuser.
(section edited for brevity)
This is a simple moral question for the school.
It does not involve the Society of Jesus (except for information they hold).
Is it acceptable for Xavier College to take large amounts of money from a sex abuser's Trust?
(and to give out prizes in his name, publish books, and have his name on buildings)
Its that simple.
Mark Prytz
On 11/3/20 11:26 AM, Tony Nunan wrote:
"Dear Mr Pritz.(sic)
I acknowledge receipt of your email dates 4th March 2020.
Your email has been forwarded to the Victorian Police as is required.
I note your statement that “it has nothing to do with a complaint, no survivor is making a claim or wanting to report to the the police”
Kind regards
Tony Nunan"
Thank you Mr. Nunan,
But you don't say if you will look into the matter.
Apart from the reports we have received you could also ask Brian McCoy SJ if he knows anything.
Brian was a student at Xavier 1960-63 when the sex assault report was made.
He would have known Eldon Hogan.
Is there anything in the Jesuit archives, Rector Paul Keenan etc.?
Peter Walsh would know something.
My own opinion is that this has been a cover up since 1962.
And a number of people over the ensuing years have known all about it.
More particularly what about the queries to the Principals in 2008 and 2011 and nothing was done.
More will come to light I am sure.
You need to grasp the nettle on this.
Mark Prytz
tel: 0448 841 016

Chris McCabe
Chris McCabe Xavier Principal 2008
Chris Hayes Xavier Principal 2009-17
Chris Hayes Xavier Principal 2009-17
In 2008, When told of Eldon's sex abuse Chris said he was unaware of it
and said he would share the concern with senior staff at the school.
There was no further response.
A second letter about a year later promised the matter would be looked into.
Nothing happened.
A third letter 3 years later, Sept. 11, 2011, raising the same matters received no response.
There was no further response.
A second letter about a year later promised the matter would be looked into.
Nothing happened.
A third letter 3 years later, Sept. 11, 2011, raising the same matters received no response.

Bill Doherty and Tony Nunan should resign or be dismissed for immoral/unethical behaviour.
A survivors point of view is that Xavier College is spitting in the face of sex abuse survivors.
They care more about getting a sex abuser's money than the pain and suffering Eldon Hogan's victims live/lived with their whole lifetimes.
What they are doing (not doing) is a shocking example of moral duplicity for the Xavier students to see every day they are at the school.
This is not what they teach the students about the Jesuit "ethos" and being "men for others".
Governance and Reporting Structure
The Xavier College Board reports to Jesuit Education Australia (JEA) who have the power to hire and fire.
JEA reports to the Society of Jesus In Australia, effectively the Provincial of the Society of Jesus, Fr. Quyen Vu SJ.
They would not dismiss a Board member or a Principal without Quyen Vu's agreement.
The buck stops with Quyen Vu SJ. What is his opinion?

JEA Independent Chair: Ms Beth McConnell
JEA non-executive Directors:
Fr Robert Davoren SJ
Mrs Danielle Cronin
Mr Don Pasquariello
JEA Executive Director: Ms Nicki Patten
Jesuit Education Australia (JEA) Ltd has been established as an incorporated company limited by guarantee and is a work of the Australian Province of the Society of Jesus charged with the responsibility for assuring the future of Jesuit Education in Australia and the governance of the Jesuit Colleges.
The Company (JEA Ltd.) has been established to oversee the implementation of and ongoing adherence to the governing Policies and Procedures of the Province relating to the operations of the Colleges and The Statutes on Religious Poverty in the Society of Jesus
– Instruction on the Administration of Goods (IAG). Of paramount importance is to assure and enable a secure future for high quality Catholic education in the Jesuit tradition within Australia.
JEA was established on the 20th July 2017. The sole member of JEA is the Society of Jesus in Australia.

The buck stops here....... the final say about everything is in the hands of the Provincial, Fr. Quyen Vu SJ

Maybe the students at Xavier College will call the Principal and the Board to account.
Xavier College calls police to remove former student and historical sex abuse information
Quite extraordinary that a sad looking fat old man with a table and two signs is considered such a threat that they immediately call the police.

Policeman 1 talks to the man, policeman 2 talks to Michael Ilott. The sign at the rear is a list of 40 sex abusers.
May 7, 2022
A former Student of Xavier College (that's me) asked permission to have an information and support table at the Maytime Fair.
This was refused but he went ahead and did it anyway.
Spent most of Friday and Sat. morning getting documents and gear ready.
Left Ocean Grove at 11am. West gate bridge was was backed up so i took the Princes Highway exit, the traffic was hell, took 2.5 hours to get to Hoddle St.
Got to Charles St , (name withheld) had done a reco and told me a gate was open with no security guard. I found a park inside another gate close by and unpacked and got cameras ready.
"Body cam" around my neck. Dragged the trolley with heavy bag on shoulder up the hill to the gate and went in and followed my nose weaving through the buildings until i came out at the Eldon Hogan building.
The spot I picked was outside the building (EHPAC) away from the nearest stall.
Really on the very edge of the fair.
Started setting up, it was windy and threatening to rain.
Got the table up and a few things done when the first man approaches.
He seemed to be on the staff for the fair, not a Xavier employee.
He said I don't have permission, I'm not on the list of approved stalls and asks me to stop.
I didn't stop and didn't say much to him and he went away.
After a little while, still not finished setting up, Michael Ilott, head of senior campus arrives.
He immediately says no video and no audio recording ok.
He says much the same, his questions are trying to draw out a response that I refuse to leave so he can call the police as they had planned.
Pretty much set up now but wind blowing things down, not set up as i planned.
3 or so teen girls come up and look one of them takes a photo of the 40 sex offenders sign and says she didn't know there were so many.
She said she's taking the photo so she'll never go near them.
Some men and a woman show up. Three of them former students
I spoke to them quite a bit.
After maybe 20 mins the police arrive, 2 officers one older one young.
Michael Ilott is hanging around in the background.
He tells the girls to go away and tells the men to go away, they move away but don't leave.
The older officer talks to me saying I'm trespassing and I knew I didn't have permission to do this. You were told you can't come was the message which I corrected, I was told I could not do the info table, I was not told I could not come.
The officer lets slip that the school had previously phoned the station and asked what to do if this man showed up.
They said to call them and they'll come and take care of it.
Talking through it for a while it ends with the decision that if Ilott rescinds my permission to be there, then at that point i am trespassing.
Setting up a non-approved stall would not be an offence of any sort I don't think.
One of the men is videoing the action with his phone.
The officer was not interested in these fine points and was slowly getting annoyed.
Ilott and the other officer check the phones of the men for photos/video they might have taken i imagine.
Mr. Ilott asked the man to delete the video, which he did for private reasons that I can't disclose.
Don't know if that's legal.
They are told to go away which they do.
The officer says there are other ways to do this, the media or your member of parliament,
i explain its really difficult to get anyone interested.
Now the officer tells me I have 15 minutes to pack up and leave or I'll be arrested.
Then he says 13 minutes to go, as i slowly pack things up saying okay i will leave.
He said that if i refused I would be forcibly removed.
The police had become very strongly aligned with the school and he was getting stroppier and stroppier.
I asked him how he felt about being used by the school to stop sex abuse information being known. He said it was not his business he's doing is job.
( A very similar police attitude to the other time at Charles St gate, they turn tough quickly if you decide to ask questions etc.)
Ready to go the officer says I have to out via the lower entrance, I say but I came in that way (north) and say I won't be able to drag my stuff up the hill, i've already had a heart attack and have heart problems. he regards this as stupid.
He says Ilott says you go this way so you do ok. This exit method is to keep me and the police presence away from people who might see.
Walking to the entrance i say fuck about something and officer warns me for language, then I debate with him that fuck is not obscene.
On the footpath I ask if they will watch my stuff while I get my car, he says no , in a you can't be serious way, then I ask the security guard who says no.
I say fuck again about something and the officer warns me again.
He says I seriously advise you to leave and not come back.
If I come back inside I will be immediately arrested.
He says they will come back in 10 minutes to check if I am gone.
I go get my car and pack up.
What a wonderful day at the fair.
When you challenge an institution their first response is to try to placate you.
This is a lot of sweet words, promises, declarations of transparency etc. etc.
This method of stringing the complainant along works for a person who is so disempowered from the abuse they suffered that they can only go along with it because they think there is nothing else they can do.
For abuse survivors this is compounded by the deep fear they still have of the beast.
I have witnessed this with a lot of survivors.
Getting an institution to change requires action. Talking around a table never achieves anything when the institution
has an entrenched position and are afraid of the consequences of changing themselves.
Xavier College and the Society of Jesus rely on the fact that the disempowered complainants
will not do anything outside the norm.
When someone does try to push harder by doing action that might be called activism,
at first they try the placation strategy.
When the complainant continues the activism they realize words won't stop the person.
Then they decide to get tougher, get out the big stick.
Xavier College has enlisted Victoria police twice to get rid of a survivor who is seeking to expose the history of sex abuse at the school.
This fact, in itself, should cause great concern to current parents and students, except they will never know.
A common response to activism is to say "there are other ways to do it", "I fully support you but this is not the appropriate way", "there are channels" (Bill Doherty).
All these other channels have been tried for four years and achieved almost nothing.
The fact is there are no other ways to do it. The media are not interested, members of parliament are not interested, the ACNC are not interested, the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) are not interested, the list goes on.
This might leave the activist wondering if he is mad, "obsessed", "a danger to himself and others" (Society of Jesus person).
A simple question erases that doubt.
Why won't they admit the past?
When you challenge an institution their first response is to try to placate you.
This is a lot of sweet words, promises, declarations of transparency etc. etc.
This method of stringing the complainant along works for a person who is so disempowered from the abuse they suffered that they can only go along with it because they think there is nothing else they can do.
For abuse survivors this is compounded by the deep fear they still have of the beast.
I have witnessed this with a lot of survivors.
Getting an institution to change requires action. Talking around a table never achieves anything when the institution
has an entrenched position and are afraid of the consequences of changing themselves.
Xavier College and the Society of Jesus rely on the fact that the disempowered complainants
will not do anything outside the norm.
When someone does try to push harder by doing action that might be called activism,
at first they try the placation strategy.
When the complainant continues the activism they realize words won't stop the person.
Then they decide to get tougher, get out the big stick.
Xavier College has enlisted Victoria police twice to get rid of a survivor who is seeking to expose the history of sex abuse at the school.
This fact, in itself, should cause great concern to current parents and students, except they will never know.
A common response to activism is to say "there are other ways to do it", "I fully support you but this is not the appropriate way", "there are channels" (Bill Doherty).
All these other channels have been tried for four years and achieved almost nothing.
The fact is there are no other ways to do it. The media are not interested, members of parliament are not interested, the ACNC are not interested, the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) are not interested, the list goes on.
This might leave the activist wondering if he is mad, "obsessed", "a danger to himself and others" (Society of Jesus person).
A simple question erases that doubt.
Why won't they admit the past?
The Offenders List
Heading reads "Child Sex Abusers at Xavier College and other Jesuit schools."

Interested Old Xaverians inspect the offenders list

Young woman photographs the offenders list

Big jump in web stats on Sunday and Monday after the Maytime Fair

Police check phone of man who was taking video

The man was asked/told to delete the video by Michael Ilott, which he did.
Is that legal I wonder.
"It is not currently an offence in Australia to photograph someone without permission or to distribute or publish photos of people without permission in other circumstances" (i.e. sexual or naked images, where photography is prohibited, where privacy is expected).
"There is currently no civil remedy for being photographed without your permission or for having such photographs distributed or published outside of the abovementioned situations."
♦ www.gotocourt.com.au
An uneducated guess says they had no right to "ask" him to delete it.
Legal Eagles?
Entering a Place Without Authority or Lawful Excuse is found in section 9(1)(e) of the Summary Offences Act 1966 in Victoria.
It is committed by a person who was found to have entered premises without authority or the permission to do so.
Elements of the Trespass Offence
In order to prove an ‘entering a place without authority or lawful excuse’ charge, the Police are required to prove that you:
Wilfully entered a private place or scheduled public place;[2] and
You had knowledge (or were reckless to the fact) that you did not have authority or permission or was given notice that prohibited entry to the premises.[3]
All Old Xaverians, parents, students, friends and members of the public are invited to attend the Maytime Fair.
I was refused permission to have a sex abuse support table but I was not told that I personally was not allowed to attend.
So entering the property was not a "trespass" offence.
The next step hinges on who has the power to do what?
Effectively the police agreed with Mr. Ilott that I was "trespassing" because Mr. Ilott rescinded my permission to attend.
Xavier College is private property, it is owned by The Society of Jesus in Victoria, an incorporated charity.
Neither Mr. Ilott or Bill Doherty have any association with The Society of Jesus in Victoria.
Summary Offences Act 1(f)
"neglects or refuses to leave a private place or Scheduled public place after being warned to do so by the owner or occupier or a person authorised to give that warning on behalf of the owner or occupier, unless the person has a lawful excuse"
The owner of a property can of course deny entry to anyone.
e.g. Fr. Quyen Vu, the Jesuit Provincial, is a director of The Society of Jesus in Victoria, so he could do it.
Xavier College Ltd. (an incorporated charity) is the occupier. Neither Mr. Doherty or Mr. Ilott is a member of the Board.
The question arises whether Mr. Ilott was an authorized agent of the owner or occupier.
April 21 2022
A carbon copy of the deal done with Xavier College
♦ Comment on St Kilda Football Club and In Good Faith Foundation.
♦ www.abc.net.au story
Opinion letter from IGFF client to Claire Leaney and others.
♦ Opinion - In Good Faith Foundation
Society of Jesus annual Professional Standards report late again
The report is for calendar years. No sign of the 2021 report yet.
It lists the number of abuse claims received in the year.
Maytime Fair 2022
Update 25/4/2022Permission to have a survivors support and information marquis has been denied by Xavier College/Jesuit Mission.
"First and foremost, all stalls and endeavours on this day are devoted entirely to the works of the Mission.
Your request does not align with the purpose or intent of the day and is therefore quite inappropriate for this occasion."
For over 70 years, the Maytime Fair has been raising money to support the work of Jesuit Mission in 13 countries across Asia and Africa, working with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable people in the world.
This year’s Maytime Fair will be held on Saturday 7th May.
An extraordinary amount of effort goes into putting on this fundraiser.
Its all in good cause.
When I was a kid at Xavier the Jesuit missions in India were revered and greatly admired for their sacrifices and hard work bringing the word of Jesus to the heathen populations.
It really was and still is a sacred mission.
I am imagining a sudden policy reversal where the powers that be decide to divert the raised money to a a fund to help the survivors of sexual and physical abuse at Xavier College.
This is very unlikely as Xavier College has done almost nothing to directly help the survivors.
Because this is the one day of the year a large number of the Xavier "family" come together a request has been sent (April 4, 2022) to the Pricipal William Doherty to give permission for a small marquis to be set up to provide support for survivors and information about the history of abuse at Xavier College.
No reply has yet been received.
A good location would be outside the chapel where sex abuser Fr. Patrick Stephenson SJ married my mother and father.
And where sex abusing priests would say mass and take boys' confessions.
And where sex abusing priests were given elaborate requiem masses extolling their virtue.
If there were a few survivors there it woud be a good opportunity for Mr. Doherty and the Rector Fr. Chris Middleton SJ to talk to them about their experiences and how it affected their lives.
As far as I know neither have ever done that.
On two occasions I know of Mr. Doherty heard former students say they were abused and he did not take the opportunity to speak to them about it.
I also received an email from the Old Xaverians Association asking me to donate 6 bottles of good quality wine for an auction.
Unfortunately I only have a 4 litre cask of Aldi Fresh Dry White at hand.
All this does beg the question that why can't they also do a big fundraiser to get money to help survivors who are TODAY/NOW still suffering from the abuse they suffered at Xavier College.

Theo Overberg SJ survivor offered less than $50K
"He then came back to his room and called us in individually, each kid was made to strip off naked
and lie on his bed face down, he then strapped us all on the bum a number of times [4 if I had to guess].
We were then sent back to our back to our beds. "
The Society of Jesus says this was allowable corporal punishment and not sexual in any way.
At mediation the survivor rejected the insulting offer and the case is listed for the NSW Supreme Court in Oct. 2021.
♦ Theo Overberg s.j. biography
re-creation of Fr. Theo Overberg SJ punishing boys for talking after lights out.

This is allowable corporal punishment with no sexual overtones according to the Society of Jesus
Physical and sexual abuse nexus
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) Inquiry finds “appalling” abuse at English Catholic boarding schools.
The report into the boarding schools - elite institutions educating the children of some of the most important families in the country and around the world -
had a “culture of acceptance of abusive behavior” and detailed a “wide spectrum of physical abuse , much of which had sadistic and sexual overtones.”
♦ cruxnow.com
Compensation amounts comment
Recent settlements and court awards show an increase in compensation amounts more in line with the real actual harm and income loss caused by sex abuse.
Robert Friscic was offered a $3.7m settlement by the Catholic Church over historical sexual abuse
November 26, 2021
Lawyers say his case has set a precedent
Mr Friscic's lawyers say the settlement, combined with previous payments, makes it the highest award for an historical abuse matter.
♦ www.abc.net.au
Geelong College to pay $2.7 million over historical child sex abuse
♦ more... www.abc.net.au
$1m settlement for victim of clerical abuse
♦ more... www.theage.com.au
A former Wesley College student has received a $3 million record settlement for institutional child abuse in Victoria
♦ www.theage.com.au
If a survivor of sex abuse was so incapacited that he could not work and had to receive government Jobseeker for 40 years versus earning the average wage in Australia.
His/her income loss would be (in today's dollars) approximately $3 million.
Average Salary in Australia by Age & Industry November 2020
1. Accommodation & food services: $1,161.10
2. Professional, scientific & technical services: $2,001.40 - 40 year difference against 1. $1,747,200
3. Senior Solicitor $109,601.00
4. General Practioner $200,000 - $300,000.00
5. Surgeon / Anaesthetist $400,00.00
♦ Justice & Compensation page